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肝纤维化是各种慢性肝病进展中由于肝内纤维生成与降解失衡 ,致使过多的胶原在肝内沉积 ,常伴有炎症 ,并可发展为肝硬化。长期以来 ,临床主要依赖肝活检病理检查来诊断肝纤维化并确定其程度。近年 ,国内外致力于研究无创性肝纤维化检查及其评估系统。我国许多单位已做了大量工? Liver fibrosis is a result of various chronic liver disease due to the imbalance of liver fibrosis and degradation, resulting in excessive deposition of collagen in the liver, often accompanied by inflammation, and can develop into cirrhosis. For a long time, clinical reliance on liver biopsy pathology to diagnose liver fibrosis and determine the extent. In recent years, both at home and abroad to study non-invasive liver fibrosis check and its evaluation system. Many units in our country have done a lot of work?
Subject: To study the role of MRI in the illustration of metastatic lymphatic pathways and clinical N-staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: Eighty
Objective: To identify whether the level of anticomplementary activity in serum is different between lung cancer patients and normal subjects. Method: With a se
In order to investigate the antitumor effects of the in vivo G-CSF gene therapy mediated by liposome and its mechanisms, human G-CSF gene was encapsulated into
小海螺虽然是软体动物,但它有一个很坚硬的壳。它的头上有六只尖尖的角;背上有咖啡色和白色相间的花纹,表面凹凸(ao tu)不平;它的腹部是粉红色的。小海螺的用处很大,可以用来做药,也可以做乐器(yue qi),还被称为活化石。如果你把海螺放在耳边,就能听到大海的波浪声。很奇怪吧!  (指导老师:尤浙芬)  评析:小作者在对小海螺进行仔细观察后,抓住了小海螺的特征,栩栩如生地再现了小海螺的外形。而文章
In order to protect copyright of digital images, a new robust digital image watermarking algorithm based on chaotic system and QR factorization was proposed.The
Objective: To investigate the diagnosis and treatment for recurrent dysphagia of esophageal carcinoma after radical radiotherapy. Methods: The experince of 41 c
1 宜常吃温热食物    天气越来越冷,你可以多吃一些温热益补的食物,这样不仅能使身体更强壮,还可以起到很好的御寒作用。应多吃主食,适当吃点羊肉和海参。由于羊肉、牛肉、鸡肉、虾、海参等食物中富含蛋白质和脂肪,热量多,因此御寒效果最好。川菜中的麻辣火锅也不错,因为民间自古就有说法称“吃辣可以祛寒”。辣椒中含有辣椒素,生姜含有芳香性挥发油,胡椒中含胡椒碱。它们都属于辛辣食品,冬天多吃一些,不仅可以增进