Structure and properties of carbon nitrogen films synthesized by ion beam-assisted deposition

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gba2008
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β-C_3N_4 compound is a new hard material predicted by Liu and Cohen with theoretical calculation and so far it has not been found out in nature. In was assumed that the β-C_3N_4 compound would adopt the known crystal structure of β-Si_3N_4, which constructed a network of CN_4 tetrahedra linked at the corners by threefold coordinate N atoms. Thus, the atomic coordination of β-C_3N_4 is sp~3 hybrids on the C atoms and sp~2 hybrids on the N atoms. Based on the theoretical analysis and modeling calculation, it was β-C_3N_4 compound is a new hard material predicted by Liu and Cohen with theoretical calculation and so far it has not been found out in nature. In was assumed that the β-C_3N_4 compound would adopt the known crystal structure of β-Si_3N_4, which constructed a network of CN 4 tetrahedra linked at the corners by three fold coordinates N atoms. Thus, the atomic coordination of β-C_3N_4 is sp ~ 3 hybrids on the C atoms and sp ~ 2 hybrids on the N atoms. Based on the theoretical analysis and modeling calculation, it was
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在喜庆中华人民共和国成立51周年之际,迎来了《景德镇陶瓷》复刊20周年。在此,仅代表《景瓷信息》编辑部致以兄弟般的诚挚祝贺。 陶瓷是中国的伟大发明,千百年来,景德镇以渊
代表中国先进文化前进的方向 ,是江泽民同志“三个代表”思想中非常重要而又富有新意的内容。面对科学技术迅猛发展和综合国力剧烈竞争 ,面对世界范围各种思想文化相互激荡 ,