Product/metal ratio (PMR):A novel criterion for the evaluation of electrolytes on micro-arc oxidatio

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Product/metal ratio (PMR) was introduced as a novel criterion for the evaluation of electrolytes on micro-arc oxidation (MAO) of Mg and its alloys. The criterion initially sprang from Pilling-Bedworth ratio (PBR), focused on the roles of electrolytes for the compactness of the fabricated coatings, and took attention on properties of reactants/products during MAO. Meanwhile, based on our experiments as well as the results from literatures, the effects of electrolyte additives on morphologies and com-positions of the fabricated MAO coatings of Mg alloys were exploited for verification and supplement of the initial criterion. In combination of the initial PMR criterion and experimental verification, PMR could be represented by special mode (PMRs=Voxide products/Valloy substrates) and general mode (PMRg= PMRs+ PMRd). The ideal PMRs should be between 1 and 2, while PMRd is related to the coating deposition during MAO. PMRd is a supplement to PMRs when the effect of the overlaying prop-erty (O) of the coatings and the effective deposition (D) of electrolyte composites are considered (PMRd=f(O, D). O is related to the melting point (MP) and boiling point (BP) of the MAO products. D is related to the effective reactions between alloy substrates and electrolytes during MAO. Product / metal ratio (PMR) was introduced as a novel criterion for the evaluation of electrolytes on micro-arc oxidation (MAO) of Mg and its alloys. The criterion initially sprang from Pilling-Bedworth ratio (PBR), focused on the roles of electrolytes for the compactness of the fabricated coatings, and took attention on properties of reactants / products during MAO. Meanwhile, based on our experiments as well as the results from literatures, the effects of electrolyte additives on morphologies and com-positions of the fabricated MAO coatings of Mg alloys were exploited for verification and supplement of the initial criterion. In combination of the initial PMR criterion and experimental verification, PMR could be represented by special mode (PMRs = Voxide products / Valloy substrates) and general mode (PMRg = PMRs + PMRd The ideal PMRs should be between 1 and 2, while PMRd is related to the coating deposition during MAO. PMRd is a supplement to PMRs when the effect of the overlaying prop-erty (O) of the coatings and the effective deposition (D) of electrolyte composites are considered (PMRd = f (O, D). O is related to the melting point is related to the effective reactions between alloy substrates and electrolytes during MAO.
笔者从1990年以来,用双冲击中西医结合治疗难治性肾病30例,同期设对照组28例,进行临床疗效观察,报告如下。临 床 资 料1 诊断标准 ①大量蛋白尿(>3.5g/24h);②低蛋白血症(<30g/L);③明显水肿;④高脂血症,其中
近几年来,我科采用中西医结合治疗度、度直肠脱垂32例,疗效满意,并与单用西药治疗的26例作对比观察,现报告如下。1 临床资料两组58例均系1994~1997年7月住院治疗的直肠脱垂(