
来源 :实用癌症杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jealy0717
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患者男性,46岁,1991年11月出现咳嗽、咳痰。1992年2月出现左眼胀痛、视物朦胧。4月在外院住院,初步诊断:左眼视网膜脱离,左眼肿瘤待查。行左眼球摘除术,术后病理诊断为:左眼球转移性腺癌。伤口愈合后患者自动出院,而未行抗癌治疗。出院后咳嗽、咳痰加重,于同年6月1日入本院治疗。体检:全身浅表淋巴结未扪及。右上肺呼吸音减弱,无罗音,腹软,肝脾肋下未扪及。胸部正侧位片示:右肺中叶内段团块状致密阴影,约3.2cm×3.5cm,呈分叶状,边缘有较多细长毛刺,周围见小 A 46-year-old male patient developed cough and cough in November 1991. In February 1992, there was pain in the left eye and blurred vision. In April, she was hospitalized in an external hospital. The primary diagnosis was retinal detachment in the left eye and left-eye tumors were to be investigated. The left eyeball enucleation was performed. The postoperative pathological diagnosis was: Left eyeball metastatic adenocarcinoma. After wound healing, the patient was automatically discharged from the hospital without anticancer treatment. After discharge, cough and cough increased, and he was admitted to the hospital on June 1st of the same year. Physical examination: The body’s superficial lymph nodes were not affected. The respiratory sounds in the upper right lung were weakened, no rales, abdominal softness, and no hepatosplenomegaly. The lateral chest radiograph shows the massive dense shadow of the inner segment of the right middle lobe, about 3.2cm x 3.5cm, showing a lobulated shape, with more slender burrs on the edges, and a small surrounding area.
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