持久抗战 越抗越强

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毛泽东同志的《论持久战》是一篇光辉的名文。在那风雨如晦、民族危机深重的年代里,该文批判亡国论与速胜论,指明抗日战争的性质、前途以及取得胜利的途径、方法,论证战争最深厚的伟力存在于民众之中。历史证明,正是在这篇光辉名文的指导下,中国敌后战场愈战愈大,中国共产党所领导的抗日武装愈战愈强,使日军完全陷入人民战争的汪洋大海之中。本期徐焰的文章,阐述《论持久战》一文的构思背景,剖析国共两党关于持久战思想的区别,阐述八路军、新四军向敌后大进军,创立根据地,不断壮大,不断发展的经过,是篇有叙有议、史论结合的文章。 Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s “On Protracted War” is a brilliant name. In those days when the weather was stormy and the national crisis was heavy, the article criticized the theories of subjugation and victory and pointed out the nature and future of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the ways and means of winning the war. The deepest power of the war lies in the general public. History shows that precisely under the guidance of this glorious name, the war between the enemy rearplaces in China became increasingly war-torn and the anti-Japanese armed forces led by the Chinese Communist Party became more and more war-torn, bringing the Japanese troops completely into the ocean of the People’s War. Xu Yan’s article expounds the conceptual background of the article “On protracted war”, analyzes the differences between the two parties about the protracted war ideology, and elaborates on how the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army marched toward the enemy rear and continued to grow and develop after they founded the base areas There are articles on Syria, the history of the article.
目前,扶贫仍是国家发展工作的重点。社区主导型发展是一种提高扶贫效率、改善扶贫效果的有效机制。近年来,国内学者对社区主导型发展的研究逐渐增加,本报告选取世界银行2018年5月在其官网上发布的《社区主导型发展的理想与现实》(Community-Driven Development:Myths and Realities)为翻译实践材料,希望可以帮助国内相关学者更多地了解社区主导型发展,指导在中国开展的
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