女球迷喜极而泣 球迷们对自己心中偶像的热爱,有时会达到旁人无法理解的地步。在北京国安队,邵佳一的人气是最旺的,喜欢他的球迷数不胜数,一些小姑娘每个主场都是专门为邵佳一才来工体看球的。 4月9日是邵佳一22岁的生日,4月6日国安队在主场迎战重庆力帆队的时候,发生了下面这一幕——中场休息时,场地内一位摄像记者手里的出场名单被大风吹到了场边,他跑过去拣东西时,看台边上一位中学生模样的女球迷冲他打起了招呼。这位女学生为邵佳一准备了一份精美的礼物,包装得漂漂亮亮的,一直在寻找合适的机会送到偶像手中,无奈一直无法接近球队,所以才想起找场内的记者帮忙。 见到那位记者痛快地答应了下来,并把礼物小心地放进口袋,小姑娘好像看到了邵佳一亲手接下了札物,一时激动地抱住身边的女伴哭了起来。
Female fans are overjoyed Fans love their hearts idol, and sometimes reach other people can not understand the point. In Beijing Guo’an, Shao Jiayi’s popularity is the most popular, like his fans numerous, some of the little girl every home is specifically for Shao Jiayi talent to watch the ball. April 9 is Shao Jiayi’s 22nd birthday, April 6, Guoan vs. Chongqing Lifan team at the time, the following scene - the midfielder rest, the location of a cameraman in the hands of the appearance list was Gale blew to the sidelines, he ran past to pick things, the appearance of a high school girl looks like a female fan rushed to him and shouted. The female student Shao Jiayi prepared a beautiful gift, packaging was beautiful, has been looking for a suitable opportunity to idol hands, but unfortunately has been unable to get close to the team, so I remembered looking for reporters to help out. I saw that the reporter agreed happily, and carefully put the gift into his pocket. The girl seemed to see Shao Jiayi took the articles personally, and suddenly clinging around the cried companion.