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边建欣的父母都是包头市化工机械配件厂的工人,生于1974年的她7个月时不幸患儿麻肢残。小建欣双腿虽残了,但聪明好学。在小学和初中,建欣的学习成绩一直很好。初中毕业后,又到职业高中学习财会专业。两年职高所有期末考试,除一次考了班里第2名,其余都是第1名。其间她还被评为区首届十佳少年。1991年3月达旗乌兰医院来了一位骨科军医,爸爸妈妈先后两次送她找这名医生作了4次手术,使病情有所缓解。职高毕业后,建欣被分配到包头市民政起重机械厂,业余时间开始学习按摩技术。一次她为曾在全国残运会上获田径金牌的职工魏巍按摩,小魏惊喜地发现边建欣的手劲特别大,就提议她找包钢业余体校举重教练李伟朴。去年9月21日,边建欣找到了李教练,试举成绩近40公斤,李教练高兴地接收了她。边建欣业余练习举重的想法得到全家的大力支持。每当晚饭后爸 Bian Jianxin’s parents are Baotou Chemical Machinery Parts Factory workers, was born in 1974, she was 7 months old when children suffering from marijuana residues. Xiaojianxin legs though disabled, but smart and studious. In primary and junior high school, Jianxin’s academic performance has been good. After graduating from junior high school, went to vocational high school accounting professional. Two years of vocational high school all final exams, except for a test of the second class, the rest are No. 1. During which she was also named the first top ten juvenile district. 1991 March Flag Wulan Hospital came to an orthopedic military doctor, my mom and dad sent her two times to find the doctor made four operations, so that the disease eased. After graduating from vocational high school, Jianxin was assigned to Civil Engineering Lifting Machinery Factory of Baotou City, in his spare time to start learning massage techniques. Once she was in the National Paralympics track and field gold Wei Wei Wei staff massage, Wei was pleasantly surprised to find edge Jianxin particularly large, it is proposed to find Baosteel Amateur Sports School Weightlifting coach Li Weipu. September 21 last year, while Jianxin found coach Li, test results nearly 40 kg, coach Lee happy to receive her. Bian Jian Xin amateur exercise weight lifting ideas have the full support of the whole family. Dad whenever after dinner
先证者女,29岁,因自然流产来我科就诊.婚后5年,妊娠两次 .第1次为葡萄胎,行人工流产术;第2次在妊娠50天左右出现阴道流血,B超示胚胎停育, 后行人工流产术.夫妻双方表型及智力均正常,非近亲婚配,无有毒、有害物质接触史。
本文根据质点传递反应的通用原理,对分步进行的多质点传递反应进行了讨论。 In this paper, based on the general principle of particle transfer reaction, the multi-pa
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The title compound was synthesized by a new method and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. C16H11N3S, Mr = 277. 34, triclinic s