
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piaodedaocao
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三化螟曾是嘉兴市水稻主要害虫。但从七十年代起,由于水稻向纯双季稻发展。不利于二代向三代过渡,加之药剂的防(兼)治,发生量逐年下降,全年灯下诱蛾量仅20只左右,田间螟害株很难查到。近年起,随着农村产业结构的调整,务农劳动力减少,水稻生产上已经或即将发生一些新的变化:冬种改为免耕法,稻根基本外露,降低了越冬虫源的死亡率,增加了一代的虫源基数;扩大单季稻面积,提高混栽程度,同时,爪翻稻面积增加,栽培技术上改为地膜育秧和本田前期复盖,成熟期提早,瓜翻稻移栽期也相应提早半月左右,成为桥梁田,有利于发 Boreagmini was a major pest of rice in Jiaxing City. However, since the seventies, due to the development of rice to pure double cropping rice. The second generation is not conducive to the transition to the three generations, combined with the anti-pharmaceutical (and) governance, the amount of decline year after year, the amount of light trap lure only 20 or so, the field is very difficult to find pests strains. In recent years, with the adjustment of the industrial structure in rural areas and the reduction of the labor force for agriculture, some new changes have been or will soon occur in rice production: the winter seed is changed to the no-till method, the rice roots are basically exposed, the mortality rate of overwintering insect pests is reduced, A generation of insect source base; to expand the area of ​​single-season rice to improve the level of mixed planting, while the area of ​​claw turned rice, cultivation techniques to the plastic film seedlings and Honda early cover, early maturity, melon and rice transplants also earlier Half a month or so, to become a bridge Tian, ​​is conducive to hair
父亲常跟我提刘雪庵。刘雪庵,年轻人可能不熟悉。但如果提起《踏雪寻梅》或《何日君再来》,恐怕会哼几句歌的人都不陌生了。刘雪庵既能填词,又能谱曲。 My father often tol
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电子病案(Electronic Medical Record,EMR)是一项提高医疗质量和效率,降低医疗成本的医疗变革。它建立在医院医疗活动全面信息化的基础上,能提供主动的、智能化服务。它是用
当前的数码相机种类和型号可说是异常丰富.按照厂商的产品线规划和大众的消费 习惯.一般可分为入门级消费类数码相机、中高端消费类数码相机.高端准专业级消费 类数码相机和专业
黑荆树枯梢病研究从1983至1985年。病因是土壤缺硼引起的。发病高峰期是7—8月份,干旱和高温季节枯梢速度较快。土壤增施硼砂与树冠喷洒硼砂水溶液防治效果显著。 Black Wat