入经济 进管理 塑造人——淮南矿业集团加强和改进思想政治工作纪实

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淮南矿业集团是一个具有90多年开采历史、拥有40多万职工家属、140多亿元固定资产、年生产煤炭近1500万吨的国有特大型煤炭企业。近年来,准南矿业集团党委按照江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的要求,从市场经济的格局和行业发展的趋势出发,紧密结合企业实际,与时俱进地提出了党建和思想政治工作“入经济、进管理、塑造人”的基本思路,把思想政治工作的立足点放在解决职工关心的热点、企业发展的难点、改革脱困的矛盾点上,逐步形成了比较系统的党建和思想政治工作的运行机制,为企业的经济建设和改革脱困创造了良好的思想政治环境,维护了企业的稳定,促进了企业经济的健康发展。去年,该集团公 Huainan Mining Group is a state-owned extra-large coal enterprise with more than 90 years of mining history, more than 400,000 employees’ family members, more than 14 billion yuan in fixed assets, and annual production of nearly 15 million tons of coal. In recent years, according to the requirements of the important thinking of the “Three Represents” of General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s party secretary, and proceeding from the trend of market economy and the development of the industry, the Party Committee of the Zhunnan Mining Group closely combines the actual conditions of the enterprise and advances party building and ideological and political progress with the times. The basic idea of ​​“entering the economy, managing, and shaping people” is to put the ideological and political work at the forefront of resolving the hot spots of staff and workers, the difficulties in the development of enterprises, and the contradictions in the reforms to get out of difficulties, and gradually form a more systematic party building and The operational mechanism of ideological and political work has created a favorable ideological and political environment for the economic construction of enterprises and the reforms to get out of difficulties. It has maintained the stability of the enterprise and promoted the healthy development of the enterprise economy. Last year, the group
在第44届巴黎航展上,中国台湾“中山科学院”首度组团参展,这是其继1998年参加新加坡亚洲航展后,第二次参加国际规模的航空展。其“精心准备”的主力展品为天剑I/ At the 4