与时俱进 开拓创新——中国音乐家协会第五届理事会第三次会议

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中国音乐家协会第五届理事会第三次会议于2003年3月24日至3月26日在北京召开。本次会议是在党的十六大胜利召开、十届全国人大一次会议和十届全国政协会议圆满成功的形势下举行的。中国音乐家协会主席傅庚辰,党组书记、常务副主席吴雁泽,副主席才旦卓玛、王世光、王立平、王次(火召)、谷建芬、闵惠芬、陆在易、金铁霖、赵季平及第五届理事会成员共计110 The Third Meeting of the Fifth Council of Chinese Musicians’ Association was held in Beijing from March 24 to March 26, 2003. The meeting was held under the successful convocation of the 16th National Congress of the CPC and the successful conclusion of the first session of the Tenth National People’s Congress and the 10th National People’s Congress. Chairman of Chinese Musicians Association Fu Gengchen, Party Secretary and Executive Vice Chairman Wu Yanze, Vice-Chairman Tadan Dolma, Wang Shiguang, Wang Liping, Wang Zi (Hu Zhao), Gu Jianfen, Min Huifen, Lu Zaiyi, Jin Tielin, Zhao Jiping and members of the Fifth Council Total 110
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丹参 ,味苦 ,微寒 ,归心 ,肝经。功效主治 :活血祛瘀 ,凉血消痛 ,养血安神。临床的主要为复方丹参 ,是由丹参、三七、冰片等加工制成的现代中药制剂 ,该药自药典收载以来 ,其
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目的研究热休克同源蛋白73(heat shock cognate protein73000,Hsc73)在基质细胞衍生因子1(SDF-1)/趋化因子CXC受体4(CXCR4)轴促进肾癌转移中的作用,确定Hsc73是否参与了CXCR4
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升降颗粒具有解表清里功能 ,主治外感湿邪 ,试验从抗病毒、解热、抗炎等方面进行了研究 ,以升降颗粒剂 8 0、4 0、2 0g生药 kg灌胃给予小鼠 ,以 4 0、2 0、1 0g生药 kg
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