骑车上下班 心情很放松

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在英国进行的一项民意调查显示,骑自行车上班的人比乘其他交通工具上下班的人更快乐,工作更有成效,人际关系也得到了改善。这次调查访问了2500名骑自行车上下班的白领人士,结果显示,大多数被调查者表示,自从他们放弃开车和使用其他交通工具上班后,在生活的许多方面都表现得更加快乐。其中89%的人说一路骑车回家能让他们彻底放松,完全割断和工作的联系,让他们在面对伴侣、朋友和家人时拥有一个好心情;66%的人甚至认为自从开始骑车以来,他们变得更为开朗活泼,在与人交往的过程中也更有自信, A poll conducted in the United Kingdom showed that people who go to work by bicycle are happier, work more productively and have improved interpersonal relationships than those who commute to and from other modes of transport. The survey interviewed 2,500 white-collar workers on bicycles and commuters and found that most of the respondents said they had been happier in many aspects of their life since they gave up driving and using other means of transport. 89% of them said that cycling home would completely relax and completely cut off their connections with the workforce, giving them a good mood in the face of their partners, friends and family; 66% even thought that since the start of cycling Since then, they have become more cheerful and lively, more confident in their interactions with people,
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