目的:探讨提高中重度上睑下垂的疗效。方法:利用额肌作为动力,将额肌筋膜瓣固定位置,改进为与睑板上缘提上睑肌腱膜缝合固定,以提上睑。结果:本术式具有固定位置高、上睑不臃肿、重睑外形佳、效果肯定、不易发生睑球分离等优点。本组26 例,效果均较满意。结论:该术式简便,效果佳,是治疗中重度上睑下垂的优选方法。
Objective: To explore the effect of improving moderate to severe ptosis. Methods: Using the frontal muscle as motive force, the frontal fascia flap was fixed at the upper edge of the tarsus to improve the upper eyelid. Results: This technique has the advantages of high fixed position, not bloated upper eyelid, good eyelid appearance, positive effect, difficult to produce symblepharon. The group of 26 cases, the results are satisfactory. Conclusion: The procedure is simple and effective and is the preferred method for the treatment of moderate to severe ptosis.