
来源 :国际石油经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shimin_job
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新中国石油工业经过50年的艰苦创业,累计探明石油地质储量197.7亿吨,天然气地质储量1.9万亿立方米,累计生产原油33.5亿吨、天然气3910亿立方米,共建成24个油气生产基地、1.7万千米输送管道,建成原油一次加工能力2.5亿吨、乙烯生产能力422万吨。中国石油工业的发展,离不开社会主义制度能把各方面力量集中起来办大事的优越性,离不开独立自主、自力更生和改革开放政策的有机结合,更离不开艰苦创业、无私奉献的大庆精神。按照党中央、国务院的部署和要求,石油、石化、海洋石油三大公司近期已展开内部重组改制工作。打好重组改制的攻坚战将使我国石油石化企业焕发出新的活力,为实现石油工业跨世纪的发展奠定坚实基础。面对世纪之交国际国内的新形势,应研究制定好跨世纪的石油工业发辰战略,其中包括:主营业务发展战略,天然气发展战略,科技创新战略,管理创新战略,低成本发展战略,以及国际化经营战略。 After 50 years of arduous pioneering, the new Chinese petroleum industry has accumulated a total of 19.77 billion tons of proven geological oil reserves and 1.9 trillion cubic meters of natural gas reserves. The total output of crude oil is 3.35 billion tons and natural gas is 391 billion cubic meters. It has built 24 oil and gas production bases , 17,000 km pipeline, built a crude oil processing capacity of 250 million tons, ethylene production capacity of 4.22 million tons. The development of China’s petroleum industry can not be separated from the superiority that the socialist system can concentrate all forces in major affairs and can not be separated from the policy of independence, self-reliance and the policy of reform and opening up. It is even more inseparable from the arduous pioneering and selfless dedication of Daqing spirit. In accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, the three major companies of oil, petrochemical and offshore oil companies have recently started their internal reorganization and restructuring work. The tough battle to lay a good foundation for restructuring will give new vitality to China’s petroleum and petrochemical enterprises and lay a solid foundation for the cross-century development of the oil industry. In the face of the new situation at home and abroad both at home and abroad, we should study and formulate a strategy for launching the oil industry in the new century. The strategy includes the main business development strategy, the natural gas development strategy, the scientific and technological innovation strategy, the management innovation strategy, the low-cost development strategy, As well as international business strategy.
(一) 引汉济黄济淮工程,是改变中国自然环境的计划之一。其目的在于把长江和汉水的丰富水量,通过一系列的引水措施,引到相邻的淮河流域和黄河流域,再又从黄河引到海河流域,
本文就汽车总装配流水线基本参数的计算问题进行了探讨,归纳出一套可供参考的公式,并进行了实例运算。 This paper discusses the calculation of the basic parameters of