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近年来,河南省统计局根据国家统计局统计改革的整体目标,在省委、省政府的支持下,以建立健全新国民经济核算体系、积极探索统计调查方法体系改革为重点,实施了一系列改革措施,特别是在抽样调查领域,取得了突出成绩,探索出了满足各层次需要的“ A、 B、 C 三级一套样本”抽样调查方法,得到了省、地(市)、县领导和国家统计局的肯定。通过改革,河南省的统计工作发生了崭新的变化,无论是统计思想观念、统计调查方式、统计管理模式都有了较大的转变。改革提高了数据质量,拓宽了服务领域,使统计工作逐步适应了社会主义市场经济发展要求。“他山之石,可以攻玉”,现将河南省统计局在全国统计工作会议上的经验材料——《以提高数据质量为中心、推进统计调查方法改革》摘登如下,供大家学习参考。(本刊对标题作了改动 In recent years, according to the overall goal of statistical reform by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, with the support of the provincial party committee and government, Henan Bureau of Statistics has taken a series of measures to establish and improve the new national economic accounting system and actively explore the reform of the statistical survey method system. The reform measures, especially in the field of sample surveys, have made outstanding achievements and explored the sample survey method of “A, B and C three-level samples” that meet the needs of all levels and obtained the results of the provincial, prefecture (city) and county leaders And the National Bureau of Statistics affirmed. Through the reform, a new change has taken place in the statistical work in Henan Province. Both the concept of statistical thinking, the way of statistical survey and the mode of statistical management have undergone a major transformation. The reform raised the quality of data and broadened the service areas so that the statistical work gradually adapted to the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy. “The stone of other hills can be used to attack jade.” Now we compile the following empirical materials from the Bureau of Statistics of Henan Province at the National Statistical Working Conference - “Improving Data Quality as the Center and Advancing the Reform of Statistical Survey Methods” for reference. (The magazine made changes to the title
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