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关于叠层石衰减的影响因素至今存在争议。现今研究多集中于显生宙后生动物及微观环境的影响,而忽略了地球系统变化的作用。地史中全球变化从区域尺度调控着大气圈、生物圈、水圈,共同影响叠层石生长所必需的一系列环境因素,与全球叠层石衰减的时间和因果关系具有良好的相关性。在不同地质时期,全球变化以不同的事件组合选择性地作用于造叠层石微生物群落发育以及碳酸盐岩沉积速率上,从而主导着叠层石的兴衰。在综述国内外研究进展的基础上,综合分析了不同时期叠层石衰减与全球变化的响应关系,为今后的相关研究提出了重要线索,同时对未来研究应关注的问题及方向提出了建议。 The factors affecting the attenuation of monoliths are still controversial. Nowadays, most researches focus on the effects of epigeal metazoan animals and micro-environment, while neglecting the changes of the earth system. In the history of the world, global change regulates the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere at the regional scale, and a series of environmental factors that are necessary to jointly affect the growth of the stratum have a good correlation with the time and causality of the global attenuation of the stratum. In different geologic periods, global changes dominated the development of stratum by selective combination of different event assemblages on the microbial community development and carbonatite deposition rate. Based on the review of the research progress both at home and abroad, this paper comprehensively analyzes the response relationship between the attenuation of strata and the global change in different periods, puts forward important clues for the related research in the future, and puts forward some suggestions on the problems and directions that future research should pay attention to.
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目前许多中小学门口都挂起了“家长学校”的牌子,这无疑是一件好事,它对于加强学校与家庭的联系、提高家长家教水平、提高教育质量可起到积极的促进作用。然而,实际的 At pr