打民族牌 走民营路 谋富民策 建和谐州——改革开放30年临夏州大力发展民营经济纪实

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临夏回族自治州位于黄河上游,东临洮河与定西市相望,西与青海省毗邻,南与甘南藏族自治州搭界,北濒湟水与省城兰州接壤。全州总面积8169平方公里,辖临夏市、临夏县、永靖县、康乐县、和政县、广河县、东乡族自治县、积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县5县1市和2个自治县。境内有22个民族,总人口190多万,其中回族人口约61万。保安族、东乡族是临夏州独有的两个民族。临夏历史悠久,是远古人类生息繁衍地之一,五千年前就有先民居住生活;两千年前秦汉王朝就设县、置州、建郡,古称罕,后改称导河、河州,是沟通中原与西域政治、经济、文化的纽带,古丝绸之路南道之要冲,唐蕃古道之重镇,享有“河湟雄镇”之美誉。1956年11月,临夏回族自治州成立,是全国仅有的两个回族自治州之一。1994年,被国家列为全国民族自治地方改革开放试验区。改革开放30年来,临夏州各族人民在党和政府的领导下,大力发展民营经济,走商贸兴州之路,全州政治经济文化社会各项事业取得了引人瞩目的成就。 Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, east of Dinghe River and Dingxi City, adjacent to the west and Qinghai Province, south and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture take the junction, north of Lishui and Lanzhou provincial capital border. The total area of ​​8,169 square kilometers throughout the state jurisdiction over Linxia City, Linxia County, Yongjing County, Leisure County, and County, Guanghe County, Dongxiang Autonomous County, Jishishan Baosuan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County 5 counties 1 and 2 Autonomous County. There are 22 ethnic groups in China with a total population of more than 1.9 million, of which the population of Hui people is about 610,000. Baoan, Dongxiang is a unique ethnic Linxia. Linxia has a long history and is one of the places where ancient humans lived and breed. The ancestors lived and lived 5000 years ago. The Qin and Han dynasties established the county two thousand years ago, It is the bridge of political, economic and cultural communication between the Central Plains and the Western Regions. It is the hub of the ancient South Silk Road and the ancient town of Tang and Ba. It enjoys the reputation of “Hezuo Xiongzhen”. In 1956 November, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture was established, is the only one of the two Hui Autonomous Prefecture. In 1994, the country was listed as a pilot area for reform and opening up in the national autonomous areas of China. In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, under the leadership of the party and the government, the people of all ethnic groups in Linxia Prefecture have made great strides in developing the private economy, following the road of prospering the state by trade and commerce, and made remarkable achievements in the political, economic, cultural and social undertakings throughout the state.
从1961年第一片商用IC出现起,计算机开发就和集成电路革命密不可分。作者在此追溯微处理器的历史,并展望其未来发展。 From 1961 the first commercial IC appeared, comput
摘 要:为了解75%肟菌酯·戊唑醇水分散粒剂防治水稻稻曲病的效果,特开展了田间药效比较试验,结果表明:75%肟菌酯·戊唑醇水分散粒剂于水稻破口前后各施1次药以及破口前施1次药对水稻稻曲病都具有良好的防效,适宜大面积推广应用。  关键词:水稻;稻曲病;75%肟菌酯·戊唑醇水分散粒剂;防效  中图分类号 S435 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2016)24-0071-02  1 试验