Specific killing effect of diphtheria toxin A fragment under control of DF3 promotor on human breast

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w624624
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Objective: To study the effects of recombinant expression vector containing human breast cancer DF3 promotor and diphtheria toxin A fragment on human breast cancer cells. Methods: Constructing recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA and transfecting it into human breast cancer cells of DF3 positive and negative. By means of RT-PCR to measure the expression of DTA in human breast cancer cells. MTT color-imetry was used to examine the effect of PGL3-DF3-DTA on growth of human breast cancer cells. By experiment on nude mice to observe the killing effect of PGL3-DF3-DTA on human breast cancer cells. Results: Recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA was highly expressed in human breast cancer cell line of DF3 positive, and it could kill the human breast cancer cells not only in vitro but also in vivo. Conclusion: Recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA could produce specific killing effect on human breast cancer cell line of DF3 positive. Objective: To study the effects of recombinant expression vector containing human breast cancer DF3 promotor and diphtheria toxin A fragment on human breast cancer cells. Methods: Constructing recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA and transfecting it into human breast cancer cells of DF3 positive and negative. By means of RT-PCR to measure the expression of DTA in human breast cancer cells. MTT color-imetry was used to examine the effect of PGL3-DF3-DTA on growth of human breast cancer cells. By experiment on nude mice to observe the killing effect of PGL3-DF3-DTA on human breast cancer cells. Results: Recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA was highly expressed in human breast cancer cell line of DF3 positive, and it could kill the human breast cancer cells not only in vitro but also in vivo. Conclusion: Recombinant expression vector PGL3-DF3-DTA could produce specific killing effect on human breast cancer cell line of DF3 positive.
周克芹是中国新时期文学史上最重要的作家之一 ,乡土文学的杰出代表。其长篇小说《许茂和他的女儿们》荣获首届茅盾文学奖 ,中短篇小说也多次荣获全国性文学大奖 ,在国内外均
张薇薇  笔名竖心旁,作家,情感问题专家,著有《男人来自东土大唐,女人住在西方净土》《寻找正能量》等。  薇薇:  我和前男友好了四年,两年前分手,因为他有了别人。我没和他闹,平平静静地和他分手。刚分手时我非常难过,我很爱他,一心想着能和他有一个长远的未来。那段时间我整天以泪洗面,甚至无法正常工作,半年后我才逐渐恢复过来。我偶尔还会通过网络或者共同的朋友了解他的近况。身边的朋友都很关心我,不断地给
1999年11月至1999年12月新华书店畅销书情况一览表 November 1999 to December 1999 Xinhua Bookstore bestseller list of circumstances
传记如林 ,而林中拔秀而起 ,“黛色参天二千尺”者 ,《张爱萍传》也。历史必将感谢传记作家东方鹤的劳苦。由于敬仰和追求 ,他十一年前便立志写一部张爱萍传 ,当时将军本人并