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军事院校大学语文课程教学改革是以提升学员人文素质为核心,融语文教育的工具性、人文性、审美性于一体。本文从军事精英人才的核心能力素质要求出发,有针对性地对大学语文在教学理念的大胆创新、教学内容的合理设置、教学方法手段的灵活运用、考核方式的多元有效等方面进行了全方位、深层次的思考,以期形成体系完整、操作性强、效果突出的课程改革思路,为打赢未来高技术条件下的信息化战争输送具备良好军事素养、过硬专业知识、深厚文化素养的的新型军事人才。 The teaching reform of the Chinese course in military colleges and universities is based on improving the humanistic quality of the students and integrating the instrumental, humanistic and aesthetic qualities of the language education. Based on the core competencies and qualifications of military elites, this paper conducts a comprehensive study on the bold innovation of college language in teaching philosophy, the rational setting of teaching contents, the flexible application of teaching methods and the multiple and effective examination methods. , Deep thinking, in order to form a system of complete, operational and outstanding results of the curriculum reform ideas, in order to win the next high-tech information warfare with excellent military qualifications, excellent professional knowledge and profound cultural accomplishment of the new Military personnel.
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