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普通高校中的文化发展和规划是校园综合能力表现的手法之一,作为学校文化建设的重要形式,艺术团这支队伍担当起了重任。艺术团的发展事实上就是学校素质教学的体现,它不仅能够将学校的各种文化和艺术资源糅合在一起,来展现学校的整天文化素质,使得学校的文化面貌更加多元,并且对于学生的审美习惯以及艺术涵养能有有效的改善,使学生有良好的整体文化涵养。艺术团体的存在使得专业的艺术课堂得到了延展,不仅能够通过艺术团为学生提供能多的实践和练习的机会,也成为了学校文化建设的助力团体。通过团体内的不同活动形式,将学生和精神面貌和艺术能力与社会的讯息相结合,将学校和社会连接起来。本文通过对大学内艺术团体建设的现状进行分析,并且提出团体发展建设中出现的问题以及相关的建议。 The cultural development and planning in ordinary colleges and universities are one of the ways to show the comprehensive ability of the campus. As an important form of school culture, the troupe of the troupe plays an important role. The development of the art troupe is actually the embodiment of the school’s quality teaching. It not only blends the various cultural and artistic resources of the school together, but also shows the whole day’s cultural quality of the school, making the school’s cultural outlook more diverse, Aesthetic habits and artistic conservation can be effectively improved so that students have a good overall cultural conservation. The existence of art organizations has allowed professional art classes to be extended, providing opportunities for students to practice and practice not only through art troupes, but also as support groups for the building of school culture. Through the various forms of activity in the community, students and mentality and artistic capabilities are combined with social messages to connect schools and society. This article analyzes the status quo of the artistic groups in the university and puts forward the problems that appear in the development of the group and the related suggestions.
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