
来源 :微电子学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lajiub1987
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在两次热处理之间,用150keV的能量,以4×10~(17)/cm~2的剂量(低于临界值)连续注入氧并进行退火,减少了绝缘体上硅层中的位错。退火在1250℃下进行了17小时。对这种硅片上生长的薄外延层进行腐蚀,获得了小于10~3/cm~2的位错密度,而采用超过临界剂量值的一次注入,其位错密度为10~9/cm~2。既然外延层中的位错是从注入硅层中的位错上生长起来的,因此我们预计,注入硅层顶部的位错将降低 六个数量级。在透射电子显微镜的断面和平面观测中,未见到线型位错,这就增强了这种预测的可靠性。 Between the two heat treatments, oxygen was continuously injected and annealed at a dose of 150 keV at a dose of 4 × 10 17 / cm 2 (below the critical value), reducing dislocations in the silicon-on-insulator layer. Annealing was done at 1250 ° C for 17 hours. The thin epitaxial layer grown on this silicon wafer was etched to obtain a dislocation density of less than 10 -3 / cm 2, and the dislocation density of 10 -9 / 2. Since dislocations in the epitaxial layer are grown from dislocations injected into the silicon layer, we expect that dislocations on the top of the silicon layer will be reduced by six orders of magnitude. No linear dislocations were seen in the sections of the transmission electron microscope and in the plane observation, which increased the reliability of this prediction.
In this paper we presented a theoretical model on the atomic arrangement in ideal amorphous semiconductors. The main points of the model are as follows: In th
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