Analysis and Modeling of Slope Stability in the Three-Gorges Dam Reservoir (China)——The Case of Huan

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghui1860
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The water level in the Three Gorges Dam reservoir is expected to change between the elevations of 145 m and 175 m, as a function of the flood control implementation and the intensity of the annual flood. As a matter of fact, the hydraulical and mechanical loadings, related to the water level modifications, will result in alterations in the slope stability conditions. The town of Badong (Hubei), of 20 000 inhabitants, is one of the towns which was submerged by the impoundment of the reservoir. As a consequence, the new town of Badong was constructed on a nearby site which appeared to be partly an unstable site. A part of this site corresponds to an old landslide, the Huangtupo landslide, the base of which had to be submerged by the water of the reservoir. The analysis of the Huangtupo landslide, taking into account various events scenarios, drainage and reinforcement measures and monitoring devices, allows to illustrate the general process implemented all along the reservoir in order to mitigate the landslide hazard. The water level in the Three Gorges Dam reservoir is expected to change between the elevations of 145 m and 175 m, as a function of the flood control implementation and the intensity of the annual flood. As a matter of fact, the hydraulical and mechanical loadings , related to the water level modifications, will result in alterations in the slope stability conditions. The town of Badong (Hubei), of 20 000 inhabitants, is one of the towns which was submerged by the impoundment of the reservoir. As a consequence, the new town of Badong was constructed on a nearby site which A to be partly an unstable site. A part of this site corresponds to an old landslide, the Huangtupo landslide, the base of which had to be submerged by the water of the reservoir. The analysis of the Huangtupo landslide, taking into account various events scenarios, drainage and reinforcement measures and monitoring devices, allows to illustrate the general process implemented all along the reservoir in order to mitigate the landslide hazard.
编辑同志: 我站担负着晋东南土石山区水土流失规律和治理措施的科学研究工作,在试验区内布设了7个不同类型的径流试验观测小区和26个标准小区,开展了一系列实施生物措施和工
目的对混样核酸检测试剂的消耗进行分析,查找原因、进行改进,减少消耗,提高检测效率。方法对天津滨海新区2015年度的22 367份标本核酸检测试剂的使用情况进行分析,查找各种试
摘 要:新时期,基层财会工作的职能应与时俱进、更加丰富,内涵和外延都应拓展、转型。这是落实国家政策,加强内部控制,预防和治理腐败,特别是治理微腐败的有力工具。本文将结合基层行政事业单位财会工作实际状况,提出具体方法。  关键词:财会工作;职能;转型;应用  十八大以来,我国各方面建设都有了新思路,在财会管理领域,预算管理、绩效管理大展拳脚,大数据云计算得到应用,内控制度出台,管理会计师、全能型会计
打嗝   小强的字总写不整齐,老师对他说:“你以后打完格再写。”小强回到家,拿出作业本,想起了老师的话。于是,他喝下一大杯水,打了一个嗝,然后开始写作业,边写边嘟囔:“还有这偏方?”    划得着  爸爸对儿子说:“去给我买盒火柴来,要划得着的。”  不一会儿,儿子把火柴买回来了。爸爸打开看,火柴盒里全是燃过的火柴棍。  爸爸:“你……”  儿子:“每根都试过了,绝对都能划得着。”    世界上有
[Objective] The paper was to determine the residue behavior and environmental safety of 30% kresoxim-methyl SC applied on cucumber under greenhouse conditions.