Rare case of tibial hemimelia,preaxial polydactyly,and club foot

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Cases | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ch12358
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A seven-month old female presented with left tibial hemimelia(or congenital tibial aplasia; Weber type VIIb, Jones et al type 1a), seven-toed preaxial polydactyly, and severe club foot(congenital talipes equinovarus). Definitive amputation surgery disarticulated the lower limb at the knee. This case report describes the anatomical findings of a systematic post-amputation examination of the lower limb’s superficial dissection, X-ray s, and computed to mography (CT) scans. From the X-rays and CT scans, we found curved and overlapping preaxial supernumerary toes, hypoplastic first metatarsal, lack of middle and distal phalanges in one supernumerary toe, three tarsal bones, hypoplastic middle phalanx and no distal phalanx for fourth toe, andno middle or distal phalanges for fifth toe. The fibula articulated with the anteromedial calcaneus and the tibia was completely absent. We identified numerous muscles and nerves in the superficial dissection that are described in the results section of the case report. Due to the rarity of this combination of anatomical findings, descriptions of such cases are very infrequent in the literature. A seven-month old female presented with left tibial hemimelia (or congenital tibial aplasia; Weber type VIIb, Jones et al type 1a), seven-toed preaxial polydactyly, and severe club foot (congenital talipes equinovarus). Definitive amputation surgery disarticulated the lower limb at the knee. This case report describes the anatomic findings of a systematic post-amputation examination of the lower limbs superficial dissection, X-ray s, and computed to mography (CT) scans. From the X-rays and CT scans, we found curved and overlapping preaxial supernumerary toes, hypoplastic first metatarsal, lack of middle and distal phalanges in one supernumerary toe, three tarsal bones, hypoplastic middle phalanx and no distal phalanx for fourth toe, andno middle or distal phalanges for fifth toe. The fibula articulated with the anteromedial calcaneus and the tibia was completely absent. We identified numerous muscles and nerves in the superficial dissection that were described in the results section of the case report. Due to the rarity of this combination of anatomical findings, descriptions of such cases are very infrequent in the literature.
座次的学问    如何安排座次是请客的一大学问,具体如何安排,现行有两种方法,一种是比较通行的座次方法;另一种是在某些地区流行的“地方座次礼仪”。比较通行的方法是:  1 较大型的宴请,桌次的高低以离主桌位置的远近而定,右高左低。  2 同一桌上,位次的高低以离主人的座位远近而定。主宾坐在主人右边,第2主宾坐在主人左边。主人右方第2席是第三,左边是第四,依次类推。  3 如果人数不多时,业务员主要