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2008年5月18日,由中国畜牧业协会、中国饲料工业协会、中华慈善总会联合举办的“中国畜牧饲料行业抗震救灾募捐仪式”在西安举行。农业部副部长、中国畜牧业协会会长张宝文,陕西省人民政府副省长姚引良,农业部原副部长、中国奶业协会理事长刘成果,国务院原副秘书长、中国饲料工业协会会长白美清,卫生部原副部长、中华慈善总会副会长彭玉,农业部原副部长、中国农学会名誉会长洪绂曾,农业部原副部长、中国饲料工业协会常务副会长张延喜,农业部畜牧业司司长王智才、副司长王宗礼,全国畜牧总站站长、中国饲料工业协会秘书长谷继承,农业部草原监理中心主任张喜武,全国畜牧总站书记何新天,国家动物疾病控制中心副主任李明,以及农业部畜牧业司、全国畜牧总站、中国畜牧业协会、中国饲料工业协会等有关应邀领导出席。中国畜牧饲料行业企业代表募捐倡议,参加中国畜牧饲料行业抗震救灾募捐仪式的各界代表近万人。 On May 18, 2008, the “Fundraising Ceremony for Earthquake Relief and Relief of China Livestock Feed Industry” jointly organized by China Animal Husbandry Association, China Feed Industry Association and China Charity Federation was held in Xi’an. Vice Minister of Ministry of Agriculture, China Animal Husbandry Association Zhang Baowen, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government Yao Yinliang, Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture, China Dairy Association, Liu Chengguo, Former Deputy Secretary General of the State Council, China Feed Industry Association, White Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Health, Vice Chairman of China Charity Federation Peng Yu, Former Vice Minister of Agriculture, Honorary President of China Agricultural Association Hong Zengzeng, Former Vice Minister of Agriculture, Executive Vice President of China Feed Industry Association Zhang Yanxi, Agriculture Ministry of Animal Husbandry Wang Zhi, deputy director Wang Zongli, the National Animal Husbandry Station owners, China Feed Industry Association Secretary-General Gu Jicheng, Ministry of Agriculture Director of Prairie Supervision Center Zhang Xiwu, National Animal Husbandry Station Secretary He Xintian, director of the National Animal Disease Control Center Li Ming, as well as the Department of Animal Husbandry, Ministry of Agriculture, the National Livestock Terminus, China Animal Husbandry Association, China Feed Industry Association and other invited leaders to attend. Representatives of China Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry Fundraiser Initiative, representatives of nearly 10,000 people from all walks of life who participated in the fund-raising ceremony for earthquake relief in China’s livestock feed industry.
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牙龈黑色素沉着(gingival melanin pigmentation,GMP)是由于黑色素母细胞分泌的黑色素颗粒沉积在牙龈黏膜的基底层及固有层所导致.虽然在多数情况下它不是病理性症状,但却给