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企业制度作为企业的组织形式,自产生以来,以产权主体 和所有权与经营权分合的动态变化为依据,在它的发展 创新的每一个阶段中,企业制度都呈现出特殊的规定性,即适应不同历史时期的生产力发展水平及其相应的生产关系的需要而形成形式各异的企业制度。 (一)近代企业制度的初期发展 企业制度产生和发展初期的主要特征是产权主体单一,企业的财产所有权与经营权合一。近代企业制度是从中世纪封建社会脱胎产生的。在小农场和手工业作坊中,产权主体单一,老板把对财产的所有权与经营权集于一身,既是企业的所有者,又是企业的经理人。企业的生产经营由老板依据个人的经验决策 As the organizational form of the enterprise, the enterprise system has been based on the dynamic changes of the ownership of the property rights and the separation of ownership and management rights. In each stage of its development and innovation, the enterprise system has shown a special stipulation. Adapting to the needs of the development level of productive forces in different historical periods and their corresponding production relations, different forms of enterprise systems have been formed. (1) The initial development of the modern enterprise system The main feature of the emergence and development of the enterprise system is that the main body of property rights is single, and the property ownership and operation right of the enterprise are united. The modern enterprise system was born out of the feudal society in the Middle Ages. In the small farms and handicraft workshops, the main body of property ownership is single, and the owner combines the ownership of the property with the right to operate, which is both the owner of the company and the manager of the company. The company’s production and operation are decided by the owner based on personal experience
选择 42 4例有偿献血员用ELISA检测抗 -HCV ,对抗 -HCV阳性血清用ELISA进行血清学分型 ,对己确定血清型者采用RT—PCR作基因分型。结果 42 4例献血员中 ,HCV感染率为 2 1 70
想参透历史,只有一两幅孤立的画面,会适得其反,历史是一组组流动影像,最重要的是,它是纪录片素材,不是故事片产品。 To penetrate history, only one or two isolated pictu