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洞庭湖区垸外血吸虫病易感地带,主要沿防洪大堤外侧呈带状分布,一般宽约500m,是人群和家畜遭受感染的主要疫源地。以往一般采用纯消耗性的药物灭螺方法以降低春季的水体感染性,但收效甚微,且花费多,还严重污染环境。八十年代中期以来,洞庭湖区消除易感地带感染威胁的研究取得了突破性的进展,对3种主要类型易感地带通过水利建设和生产措施,改变其环境,建立预防血吸虫感染的安全隔离带,显著地降低了试区血吸虫病流行程度。1 试区概况1.1 弓管子矮埂蓄水拦网养鱼试区.湘阴县弓管子位于南洞庭湖南岸,地势低洼平坦,为大面积湖泊草滩易感地带。垸内为洞庭乡酬圹村。1988年冬起, Dongting Lake area outside the embankment schistosomiasis susceptible zone, mainly along the outer side of the flood control levee belt-like distribution, the general width of 500m, is the main source of population and livestock infections. In the past generally pure consumption of drugs snail-killing methods to reduce the spring water infectivity, but with little effect, and spent more, but also seriously pollute the environment. Since the mid-1980s, breakthroughs have been made in the study of the threat of infection in susceptible belts in the Dongting Lake area. Three major types of susceptible belts have been used to change their environment through water conservancy construction and production measures, and a safety barrier to prevent schistosomiasis infection has been established , Significantly reducing the prevalence of schistosomiasis in the trial area. 1 Overview of the Trial Area 1.1 Bow Tube Dwarf Water Storage Interceptor Fish Culture Zone The bow tube of Xiangyin County is located on the south bank of South Dongting Lake with flat and low lying areas and is a susceptible zone of large-scale lake grass beach. Embankment for Dongting Township Tuo village. From the winter of 1988,
目的 了解2010-2018年国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目(以下简称《孕优项目》)现状,有助于真正实现降低出生缺陷、科学优生优育、母子平安健康、家庭和谐幸福的目的.方法 采用
目的 评价超声测量子宫下段肌层厚度对子宫瘢痕愈合不良的预测价值,并分析子宫瘢痕愈合不良的高危因素.方法 选取2019年1-6月于北部战区总医院和平分院住院择期重复剖宫产(ER
目的 探讨衢州地区围绝经期女性抑郁现状调查分析及Teach-back健康教育模式对知晓率的影响.方法 选取2018年1月-2020年1月该院收治的90例围绝经期女性为研究对象,分析围绝经