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近日,中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、人民日报等媒体相继报道了江苏省泰州市信访局局长张云泉的先进事迹。张云泉这个响亮的名字和他的感人事迹在神州大地广为传颂,震撼和净化着人们的心灵。从事信访工作22年来,张云泉凭着对信访事业的一片赤诚、对人民的满腔热情,为党分忧,为民解难,任劳任怨,甘于奉献,在平凡的工作岗位上作出了突出贡献。张云泉为广大党员干部树立了为民、务实、清廉的榜样,他的事迹充分体现了共产党人的先进性。为了使全国广大读者更深入地学习张云泉同志的先进事迹,本刊特别刊发2005年元月张云泉同志在江苏省优秀共产党员事迹报告会上的发言,让我们共同聆听一位优秀信访干部的心声。 Recently, CCTV, the Central People’s Broadcasting Station, People’s Daily and other media have successively reported the advanced deeds of Zhang Yunquan, director of the Bureau of Letters and Complaints from Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province. Zhang Yunquan loud name and his touching deeds in the vast land of China, shock and purify the people’s hearts. In the 22 years since he was engaged in letters and visits, Zhang Yunquan has made outstanding contributions to ordinary work because of his sincerity in handling letters and visits, enthusiasm for the people, worrying about the party, solving difficulties for the people, hard working and dedication. Zhang Yunquan set an example for the majority of Party members and cadres to serve the people, pragmatism and integrity, and his deeds fully demonstrated the advanced nature of Communists. In order to make the readers across the country study the advanced deeds of Comrade Zhang Yunquan more deeply, this special issue of Comrade Zhang Yunquan’s speech at the report conference of deeds of outstanding Communist Party members in Jiangsu Province in January 2005 let us jointly hear the voices of an outstanding letters and visits cadres .
针对宁夏水厂混凝土构筑物裂缝产生机理进行了详细的分析,提出了防治措施。 Aiming at the crack generation mechanism of concrete structures in Ningxia Waterworks, th
2009年5月中央党校出版社出版发行的《中共党建词典》正式收录网络反腐词条,并对其进行了界定,确认为一种反腐新形式。  近年来,通过网络媒介曝光的贪腐案件层出不穷,影响极大
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