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独具特色的旅游一般来说,政局不稳、剑拨弩张的军事紧张状态对该地区的旅游业是个打击,会使大部分旅客望而生畏、止步不前。然而,对于这种紧张、惊险的现状悉心研究、大胆利用的话,它又能成为绝好的旅游资源。南朝鲜打破常规开发三八线板门店惊险旅游项目,并获得了成功。板门店地区的确惊险。军事分界线背后南北朝鲜的军队处于戒备状态,而保证该狭长地带平静的只有一纸停战协定。板门店旅游与众不同,它有各种严格的限制和规定:南朝鲜人不得参加,申请人 Unique Tourism In general, political instability and rattling military tension have hit the tourism industry in the area, leaving most of the travelers daunting and halting. However, for such a tight, breathtaking situation carefully studied, bold use of words, it can become an excellent tourist resources. South Korea to break the routine development of the eight eight line store adventure tourism project and achieved success. Panmunjom area is indeed thrilling. Behind the military demarcation line north and south of North Korea’s armed forces on alert, and to ensure that the narrow strip of calm only one armistice agreement. Panmunjom travel unusual, it has a variety of strict restrictions and regulations: South Koreans are not allowed to participate, the applicant
People Have More LeisureA century ago,people worked long hours in factories.Farmersworked from sunrise to sunset.There was little time for rest or play.Only th
Paris(Agencies via Xinhua)-A team of more than 50 French andAmerican engineers and technicians is battling the fierce weather of theAntarctic s to salvage a US
There are four phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the one phrase which best completes each sentence. There are four phrases beneath each sentence. Choose t
本文系摘自国家科委副主任江明同志在第五次全国科技情报工作会议上关于“加强科技情报工作为四化多做贡献”报告的第二部份。——编者注 This article is taken from the s