
来源 :经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangmin6278
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本文认为,铁路要发挥和巩固在中国资源节约型的综合交通运输体系中的骨干作用及地位,只有通过深层次改革,才能解决效益低下和运力不足的矛盾。对此,文章提出:首先应政企分开,界定政府职能与企业职能以及确定其主体;其次,营造公平的外部环境是提高铁路运输企业资产经营效率的前提,难点则在于对线网类别的界定,经济效益与社会效益的统一评估。此外,铁路改革和发展还在于将单一的投融资体制向市场化投融资体制转变,调整投资重点,以解决运力不足的问题 This paper argues that the railroad should play its key role and position in China’s resource-saving and integrated transport system. Only through deep reform can the contradiction between low efficiency and insufficient capacity be solved. In this regard, the article puts forward: Firstly, the government should be separated from the government to define the functions of government and corporate functions and to determine its main body; Secondly, to create a fair external environment is to improve the efficiency of asset management of railway transport enterprises premise, the difficulty lies in the classification of the line network , A unified assessment of economic and social benefits. In addition, the railway reform and development still lies in shifting the single investment and financing system to a market-oriented investment and financing system and adjusting investment priorities so as to solve the problem of insufficient capacity
很偶然的一次机会,我遇到这样一个问题: 在一口枯井里有一重物,现有一匹马,一根绳子,两只滑轮,欲把重物从井里吊出,如图1所示,马在A端向右拉,井里的重物逐渐图1上升,绳子与