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色彩作为塑造高校整体形象的重要要素之一,其处理得当与否直接影响到高校建筑的美以及整体文化氛围的营造。本文以山东师范大学新老校区为例,从对比的角度出发对新老校区的建筑色彩设计进行实地调研、分析和探讨,系统地对高校新老校区建筑色彩进行评价和建议,以期为高校新老校区建筑色彩设计提供操作性较强的理论支持。 Color is one of the important elements in shaping the overall image of colleges and universities. Whether it is properly handled or not directly affects the beauty of the university buildings and the overall cultural atmosphere. Taking the new and old campus of Shandong Normal University as an example, this paper makes a field investigation, analysis and discussion on the architectural color design of the new and old campus from the perspective of comparison, systematically evaluates and suggests the architectural color of the new and old campus of the university, The color design of the old campus building provides operational support for the theory.
As one of the areas with numerous lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, the Hoh Xil region plays an extremely important role in the fragile plateau eco-environment. Bas
近年来,随着社会文明和信息化、网络程度的提高,如何有效地提高图书馆的馆员素质和服务质量,不可避免地成为公众的关注点和业内研究的主要课题。如果图书馆继续沿用传统的服务理念和服务方式,必然会导致读者的大量流失,无形中也削弱了图书馆的服务领域,极大地削弱图书馆存在的社会意义。如何提升图书馆的馆员素质和服务质量,是急需解决的问题。    一、加强队伍建设,提高馆员素质    人力资源是图书馆发展的战略资源
Nova Chemicals Crop公司称,其新开发的高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)吹膜级树脂,相比传统技术在防潮和氧气阻隔性能上均提升50%。该公司介绍,新型吹膜级HDPE Surpass HPS 667-AB适用于
On the basis of the theories of psycholinguistic perspective in language teaching and communicative approach in language learning,the author of this paper analy
一、问题的提出 跑是各项运动的基础,是中、小、幼体育教学教材的主要内容,是人体一项基本活动能力。儿童少年时期是发展快速跑的关键期,此时跑速发展不仅影响儿童少年的运