《德州学院学报》是山东省教育厅主管、德州学院主办、国内外公开发行的综合性学术期刊.本刊为双月刊.主要刊登本校和其他高校师生、科技工作者的学术论文和科技成果报告.欢迎高校师生、科研人员及工程技术人员赐稿.欢迎订阅.撰稿要求如下: 1.来稿应内容新颖、主题突出、论点明确、论据充分、数据准确、语言精炼、逻辑严密. 2.论文应包括:题名、作者姓名、工作单位及邮政编码、中英文摘要和关键词、中图分类号、正文和参考文献.参考文献应在正文中按顺序著录.著录形式为:…论述.或文献[3]的叙述是……
The Journal of Dezhou University is a comprehensive academic journal sponsored by the Department of Education of Shandong Province and sponsored by the Dezhou University and published both at home and abroad This is a bimonthly publication that mainly publishes academic papers and reports on scientific and technological achievements of teachers and students Welcome to the university teachers and students, researchers and engineers and technicians to give his contribution. Welcome to subscribe. Written requirements are as follows: 1. Contributions should be new, prominent themes, arguments clear, sufficient arguments, data accuracy, language refinement, logical. Papers should include: title, author’s name, work unit and zip code, Chinese and English abstracts and key words, CLC number, text and references. Bibliography should be recorded in the body in order. The literature [3] states that ...