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以“蓝山大白”苦瓜品种(Momordica charantia L.)为试验材料,在遮雨栽培条件下,研究了田间持水量50%~60%、70%~80%、90%~100%土壤水分含量(SWC)条件下,初果期、盛果期、末果期果实的营养品质和产量。结果表明:就品质的水分效应而言,70%~80%SWC有利于果实维生素C、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量的提高,50%~60%SWC有利于增加果实可溶性固形物含量;关于品质的时期效应,3种土壤水分条件下均表现为盛果期果实维生素C、可溶性蛋白质含量最高,末果期果实可溶性糖含量最高,而50%~60%SWC和70%~80%SWC的可溶性固形物在盛果期和末果期均显著高于初果期;关于果实产量,50%~60%SWC和70%~80%SWC之间差异不显著,但均显著高于90%~100%SWC的产量;盛果期果实品质普遍优于初果期和末果期,综合产量和品质,70%~80%SWC更利于苦瓜产量提高和品质改善。 With “Momordica charantia L.” as tested material, the field water holding capacity of 50% ~ 60%, 70% ~ 80%, 90% ~ 100% Under the condition of moisture content (SWC), the nutritional quality and yield of fruit in early stage, full stage and end stage were studied. The results showed that 70% -80% of SWC was beneficial to the increase of vitamin C, soluble sugar and soluble protein in fruit and 50% -60% of SWC was beneficial to increase the content of soluble solids in fruit. Period effect, three kinds of soil moisture conditions were shown in the fruit of full-fruit vitamin C, the highest content of soluble protein, soluble sugar content of fruit at the end of the highest fruit, and 50% ~ 60% SWC and 70% ~ 80% The content of SWC in 50% ~ 60% and 70% ~ 80% SWC was not significantly different, but both of them were significantly higher than 90% -100% SWC. The fruit quality of fruit-bearing stage was generally better than that of early fruit stage and end fruit stage. The yield and quality of SWC were more favorable for yield and quality improvement of 70 -80% SWC.
前言:  在真核生物细胞周期的各个事件中,DNA复制过程是一个被严格调控的事件,受到G1/S限制点的检查,与细胞周期其他事件协调发生。DNA复制的紊乱将直接导致基因组不稳定,与肿瘤
人神经肽S(Neuropeptide S,NPS),一种含有20个氨基酸残基且N端为高度保守的丝氨酸的新型神经肽,近年来被确定为孤儿G蛋白偶联受体GPR154的内源性配体。该受体也因此被命名为NPSR
  目的 探讨应用显微外科技术治疗老年性腕管综合征的临床疗效.方法 自2007 年6 月至2013 年9 月,对收治的28 例老年性腕管综合征患者,采用掌部纵形小切口,切断腕横韧带,应用显
目的:   1.为了建立甘丙肽转基因小鼠进一步研究甘丙肽的功能,对甘丙肽基因进行了克隆构建了神经特异表达甘丙肽转基因载体,获得了显微注射用甘丙肽基因片段,从而为进一步建
  目的 应用腓浅动脉穿支皮瓣、小腿内侧穿支皮瓣及骨间背侧动脉穿支皮瓣对手足部较小面积的皮肤软组织缺损进行定点修复。方法 自2009 年11 月至2014 年1 月,共对17 例手足