Impact of endoscopic screening on mortality reduction from gastric cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongsheng0550
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AIM:To investigate mortality reduction from gastric cancer based on the results of endoscopic screening.METHODS:The study population consisted of participants of gastric cancer screening by endoscopy,regular radiography,and photofluorography at Niigata city in 2005.The observed numbers of cumulative deaths from gastric cancers and other cancers were accumulated by linkage with the Niigata Prefectural Cancer Registry.The standardized mortality ratio(SMR)of gastric cancer and other cancer deaths in each screening group was calculated by applying the mortality rate of the reference population.RESULTS:Based on the results calculated from the mortality rate of the population of Niigata city,the SMRs of gastric cancer death were 0.43(95%CI:0.30-0.57)for the endoscopic screening group,0.68(95%CI:0.55-0.79)for the regular radiographic screening group,and 0.85(95%CI:0.71-0.94)for the photofluorography screening group.The mortality reduction from gastric cancer was higher in the endoscopic screening group than in the regular radiographic screening group despite the nearly equal mortality rates of all cancers except gastric cancer.CONCLUSION:The 57%mortality reduction from gastric cancer might indicate the effectiveness of endoscopic screening for gastric cancer.Further studies and prudent interpretation of results are needed. AIM: To investigate mortality reduction from gastric cancer based on the results of endoscopic screening. METHODS: The study population consisted of participants of gastric cancer screening by endoscopy, regular radiography, and photofluorography at Niigata city in 2005. Observed numbers of cumulative deaths from gastric cancers and other cancers were accumulated by linkage with the Niigata Prefectural Cancer Registry.The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of gastric cancer and other cancer deaths in each screening group was calculated by applying the mortality rate of the reference population .RESULTS: Based on (95% CI: 0.30-0.57) for the endoscopic screening group, 0.68 radiographic screening group, and 0.85 (95% CI: 0.71-0.94) for the photofluorography screening group. The mortality reduction from gastric cancer was higher in the endoscopic scree ning group than in the regular radiographic screening group despite the nearly equal mortality rates of all cancers except gastric cancer. CONCLUSION: The 57% mortality reduction from gastric cancer might indicate the effectiveness of endoscopic screening for gastric cancer. Further studies and prudent interpretation of results are needed.
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