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睁开眼,她蹲在地板上,面前是她的包,拉链拉开着,她从包里拿出礼物,递给她。礼物是一串菩提子,一顶绵线帽,一个苗族钱包,三颗小铜铃,一条红黄蓝的三色线。帽子是生日礼物,铜铃是给他的,她说。她把绵线帽戴在头上,站到一块放在暖气片上的玻璃前,那玻璃是面镜子,她左右扭头看着镜中自己头上的帽子,转过身弯下腰给她看。她看着她,说,你应该前后戴着,这样。她帮她把帽顶的折棱调整到前后方向,她两手护住帽子,又拿下帽子,看了看上面的折棱,调整一下戴上,重新面对镜子。她看到镜中的帽子好看了。她拿下帽子蹲在她旁边,把帽子放在包上,拿起菩提子,双手将它捋直,用手指擦了两遍,往左手腕上绕,问她,这是多少颗?她说,一百零八颗。你那串也是一百零八颗?嗯。为什么是一百零八颗?哎,她有点不耐烦,说,你去网上搜,搜索啊。菩提子用双股的褐色细线串着,像是缝纫机上常用的那种线。她在左手腕上绕了四圈,有点松。她解下来,拿在右手一颗一颗捻。她看到后拿过去,说,不是你这样抠下的,是这样很快拨下来的。她演示给她,她拨得也不快,她说,我看到卓玛草就是那样拨的,菩提子一颗一颗很快掉下来。她说,卓玛草自小就开始捻了,当然很快。她拿回菩提子,试了试怎么拨,拨不快,就绕 Open her eyes, she squatted on the floor, in front of her bag, zipper opened, she took out a gift from the bag, handed it to her. Gift is a bunch of Bodhi son, a cotton hat, a Miao wallet, three small bell, a red, yellow and blue tricolor line. The hat is a birthday present, the brass bell is for him, she said. She wore a cotton hat on her head and stood in front of a piece of glass on a radiator. The glass was a mirror, and she turned her head around and looked down at her head in the mirror, bending over and giving her a look. She looked at her and said that you should wear it before and after. She helped her adjust the hem of the crown to the fore and aft direction. She held the hat with her both hands, took the hat again, looked at the girdle above, adjusted it and put it on and looked back at the mirror. She saw the hat in the mirror look good. She won a hat squatting next to her, the hat on the bag, picked up the Pu Tizi, his hands straight, rubbed twice with your fingers, around the left wrist and asked her, how many? , One hundred and eight. Your string is also one hundred and eight? Why is 108? Hey, she was a bit impatient, said that you go online search, search ah. Pu Tizi double-stranded string of brown hair, like the sewing machine used on the kind of line. She circled her left wrist four times, a bit loose. She relieved, holding one twist in the right hand. After she saw it, she said that it was not so hard for you to pull it off. It was so quickly set aside. She demonstrated to her, she dialed unhappy, she said, I saw Dolma Soap is that way, Pluto one by one fell quickly. She said that Dolma started twisting since she was young, of course, very fast. She took back Bodhi child, tried how to dial, dial unhappy, around
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