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第一章总则第一条为贯彻落实《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》(国办发[2000]16号)、《关于整顿和规范药品市场的意见》(国办发[2001]17号)及其配套文件精神,规范医疗机构药品集中招标采购工作,明确药品集中招标采购当事人的行为规范和法律责任,依据有关法律法规,制定本规范。第二条本规范适用于县及县以上人民政府、国有企业(含国有控股企业)等举办的非营利性医疗机构的药品集中招标采购活动。第三条依照本规范必须进行集中招标采购的药品,有下列情形之一的,不实行集中招标采购:(一)因战争、自然灾害等,需进行紧急采购的;(二)发生重大疫情、重大事故等,需进行紧急采 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to implement the Guiding Opinions on the Reform of Medical and Health System in Cities and Towns (Guo Ban Fa [2000] No. 16) and the Opinions on Reorganizing and Regulating the Pharmaceutical Market (Guo Ban Fa [2001] 17 No.) and supporting documents, standardize centralized bidding and purchasing of pharmaceuticals in medical institutions, clarify the code of conduct and legal responsibilities of parties involved in centralized bidding and purchasing of pharmaceuticals, and formulate this code in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. Article 2 This Code applies to the centralized bidding and purchasing of medicines for non-profit medical institutions organized by the people’s governments at or above the county level and state-owned enterprises (including state-controlled enterprises). Article 3 In case of any one of the following circumstances, centralized bidding and purchasing shall not be carried out for medicines which are required to be subjected to centralized bidding and purchasing in accordance with this Regulation: (1) Urgent procurement shall be made due to war and natural disasters; (2) Major accidents, etc., require urgent mining
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附件一:应予废止的农(牧渔)业、林业、水利电力和气象法规目录 (二十四件)附件二:已明令废止的农(牧渔)业、林业和水利电力法规目录 (三件)附件三:自行失效的农(牧渔)业、林
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