
来源 :当代艺术与投资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alienroom
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【教学目的】随着文明的进程,社会分工越来越趋向细微琐碎,艺术越来越成为一种职业,而艺术家往往忘记自己在文化舞台整体当中的角色和站位,偏执地强调个性与自我,忽视了“艺术行业”以外的群体和广大的基层公众,导致了当今世界普遍的“艺术沙漠”现象及当代艺术与公众间的严重隔膜;因此,了解社会、公众普遍的审美状态,以积极主动的态度搭建公众与艺术之间联系的桥梁,将是现在至将来很长时期内艺术从业者们应承担的必须任务;通过学生对某一社会群体或文化阶层、行业团体的审美问题调查,掌握具体翔实的文化现状数据资料,将有益于有效建立和调整艺术创作的公众意识;同学通过亲身实践,初步掌握社会调查的操作流程及采访的方法;了解大众审美心理、方式,以及不同地域、社群的共性与差异,建立感性的认识,并获得新鲜的公众审美意见;资料数据的收集汇总,建立研究当代公众审美问题的资料库。 【Purpose】 With the progress of civilization, the social division of labor tends to be more and more trivial. Art is becoming a profession more and more. Artists tend to forget their roles and positions in the cultural arena as a whole. They emphasize personality and self , Neglecting groups other than the “art industry” and the vast grassroots public has led to the widespread “desert art ” phenomenon in today’s world and the serious gap between contemporary art and the public. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the general aesthetic of society and the public The state and the initiative to build a bridge between the public and the arts will be the necessary tasks that art practitioners should undertake for a long time to come. In the meantime, The investigation of aesthetic issues and the grasping of detailed and informative data on the status quo of the cultural situation will be conducive to the effective establishment and adjustment of the public awareness of artistic creation. The students, through hands-on practice, will initially master the operational procedures of social investigation and methods of interviewing, As well as the commonalities and differences among different regions and communities, establishing the perception of perceptuality and obtaining fresh public aesthetic opinions; the number of materials According to the collection and summary, the establishment of a database of contemporary public aesthetic issues.
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