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国务院近日颁布、并将于3月1日起实行的《娱乐场所管理条例》,引发了社会各界,尤其是广大网民的热烈议论。多数网民认为,这一条例措施完善具体,针对性强,必将对黄赌毒等丑恶现象形成有力打击。有网民称,条例对加大反腐力度、整顿经济秩序和维护青少年健康成长将起到重要作用,希望政府能严格检查管理条例的落实情况,对落实不力的部门要严肃追究领导责任。同时要严格查处违规娱乐场所的“保护伞”,按党纪国法严肃处理, 决不手软。这些议论,可以说点到了这一条例出台的精髓,这就是律官就得严过律民。这也是近年来党和政府加强干部法制化、制度化管理,树立符合时代要求的官风政风的着力点。 The State Council promulgated the “Regulations on the Management of Entertainment Places” which will be implemented on March 1 and triggered a lively discussion among all sectors of society, especially the vast majority of Internet users. Most Internet users believe that this Ordinance measures to improve the specific, targeted, will inevitably pornography such as pornography gambling a formidable blow. Some Internet users said that the regulations will play an important role in intensifying the fight against corruption, rectifying the economic order and safeguarding the healthy growth of young people. We hope the government will strictly examine the implementation of the regulations, and hold accountable for the leadership in the ineffective implementation of the regulations. At the same time to strictly investigate and deal with illegal entertainment venues “umbrella”, according to the serious discipline discipline, not lenient. These arguments can be said to the essence of the introduction of this Ordinance, which is that the lawyer must be strict with the people. This is also the focal point of the party and government in strengthening the legal system and institutional management of cadres in recent years and establishing an official and government style that meets the requirements of the times.
“张三”是汉语中一个比较特殊的专有名词,它不仅可以指某个特定的人,还可泛指任何人。本文分析“张三”为什么会有泛指的用法以及泛指用法的演变过程。 “Zhang San ” is
在过去的20年,特别是过去的10年,信息产业,不管是IBM这样的百年老店,还是雅虎这样的新兴公司,都吸引了世界上最聪明、最有才华的人投身其中,并为之带来了耀眼的成功和巨大的财富。 In the