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“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”从2003年设立至今,已评选了三届。该奖项已经成为祖国关爱自费留学生的知名品牌,受到国内外权威媒体和有关人士的普遍关注和广泛赞誉。广大自费留学生是国家宝贵的人才资源,为了进一步加强他们与祖国的联系,弘扬优秀自费留学人员奋力拼搏的精神,本刊从2006年第1期开始,向广大读者介绍部分获奖者。同时近期我们又开辟了“我的自费留学经历”专题,真诚欢迎更多的自费留学生将你们留学中的酸甜苦辣与心得写给我们。本栏目联系电话:010-62257722转208传真:010-62252501电子信箱:baiyu@chisa.edu.cnbaiyu48@sohu.com.cn The “National Outstanding Scholarship for Independent Students” has been selected for three sessions since its establishment in 2003. The award has become a well-known brand of self-financed overseas students in the motherland and is widely acclaimed and widely praised by domestic and foreign authoritative media and people concerned. In order to further strengthen their contact with the motherland and promote the spirit of excellent overseas students who work hard at their own expense, this publication starts from No. 1 in 2006 and introduces some of the winners to readers. At the same time we have recently opened up a “my study experience at their own expense,” the topic, sincerely welcome more students at their own expense will you study in the ups and downs and experience written to us. This section Tel: 010-62257722 turn 208 Fax: 010-62252501 E-mail: baiyu @ chisa.edu.cnbaiyu48 @ sohu.com.cn
草坪作为整体环境绿化的基色 ,对环境绿化美化的重要功效 ,已被人们普遍认可。近年来 ,我国草坪业发展迅速 ,每年草坪草种的引种数量成倍增长 ,草坪面积不断扩大 ,这给原本就
目的:对社区糖尿病患者实施慢性病管理模式的效果进行观察.方法:选取 2018 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月期间 52 例社区糖尿病患者,均分为观察组与对照组,对照组实施常规社区管理
  In this study, polyurethane (PU) composites were produced with the addition of 2, 4-ditert-butylphenyl phosphite (FR) as a fire-retardant, with loading perc
目的:通过研究热性惊厥儿童体内含有的病原体种类与数量,了解引起儿童热性惊厥的风险因素,探究儿童热性惊厥与其感染流感病毒、肠道病毒的相关性.方法:以本院2018 年10 月-20