
来源 :中国口腔种植学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Gloria_SHU
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建立了全下颌种植固定义齿的三维各向异性有限元模型,模拟咀嚼肌和TMJ受力状态作约束反力,在200N力静加载状态下分析义齿支架,种植体及种植体骨界面的受力情况。结果表明:1.末端种植体处义齿支架龈方压应力最大,方拉应力最大。2.末端种植体承受最大压应力和最大拉应力,随种植体位置与加载点间距离增大,种植体承受的压应力和拉应力逐渐减小。末端种植体骨界面应力最大,且随种植体位置与加载点之间距离增大,种植体骨界面的应力逐渐减小。3.种植义齿游离臂不利于种植体及骨界面应力的均匀分布。 A three-dimensional finite element model of full denture fixed denture was established to simulate the TMJ state of force and the masticatory muscle as the restraining reaction force. The interface of the denture support, implant and implants was analyzed under 200N static load Force situation. The result shows: 1. Implants at the end implants were the highest gingival compressive stress and the largest tensile stress was in the canthal. 2. The maximum compressive stress and maximum tensile stress were applied to the end implants. With the increase of the distance between implant site and loading point, the compressive stress and tensile stress of implants decreased gradually. The stress at the bone implant interface was the largest, and the stress at implant interface decreased with the increase of the distance between implant site and loading point. 3. Implant denture free arm is not conducive to implant and bone interface stress distribution.
婺源县王家墩李子芳小学是一所创建于上世纪50年代的村级小学。多年来,学校坚持德育为先,以教书育人为本,为当地的基础教育事业做出了卓 Wuyuan County Wangjiadun Li Zifan
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采用SO2还原浸出和溶剂萃取提取分离高锰钴土矿中的锰、钴的湿法工艺,在适宜条件下钴土矿中的锰和钴冶炼总回收率达到89.64%和82.67%;扩大试验也证实了该实验室试验结果。 The SO2 reduction
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