Unsupervised feature selection based on Markov blanket and particle swarm optimization

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangwang1986
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Feature selection plays an important role in data mining and recognition, especially in the large scale text, image and biological data. Specifically, the class label information is unavailable to guide the selection of minimal feature subset in unsupervised feature selection, which is challenging and interesting. An unsupervised feature selection based on Markov blanket and particle swarm optimization is proposed named as UFSMB-PSO. The proposed method seeks to find the high-quality feature subset through multi-particles’ cooperation of particle swarm optimization without using any learning algorithms. Moreover, the features’ relevance will be computed based on an information metric of relevance gain,which provides an information theoretical foundation for finding the minimization of the redundancy between features. Our results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that UFSMB-PSO can achieve significant improvement over state of the art unsupervised methods. Feature, selection of an important role in data mining and recognition, especially in the large scale text, image and biological data. Specifically, the class label information is unavailable to guide the selection of minimal feature subset in unsupervised feature selection, which is challenging and interesting An unsupervised feature selection based on Markov blanket and particle swarm optimization is proposed as UFSMB-PSO. The proposed method seeks to find the high-quality feature subset through multi-particles’ cooperation of particle swarm optimization without using any learning algorithms. , the features’ relevance will be computed based on an information metric of relevance gain, which provides an information theoretical foundation for finding the minimization of the redundancy between features. Our results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that UFSMB-PSO can achieve significant improvement over state of the art unsupervised methods.
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以培养学生的自主探索和创新能力为目标的课堂教学改革,经过多年的课改实验已经取得了很大的成效。如何深化巩固数学课堂教学改革的成果,我想结合自己多年教学课改的实际情况谈谈利用“化归”的数学思想方法培养学生的自主探索和创新能力。  我们都知道一切新发明、新创造都是建立在人类原有的文化和科学知识的基础上的,也是经过大胆探索创新才出现新的技术和新的科技发明的。因此,我认为在数学课堂教学中利用“化归”的数学思
数学日记随着新课程的改革应运而生,对于提高学生学习数学的积极性起到了一定的作用,尤其是对中差学生学习数学的酸甜苦辣有地方诉说,释放了学生的情绪。现给出两则日记,供大家参考。  (一)旋转的自述  我爱动,常绕着一点转动,有时这一点是我身外的一点,有时是我身体内的一点,我的能耐可大呢,我有时转动几十度,有时转动几百度,你猜猜我是谁?我的名字叫旋转,顾名思义:在平面内,将一个图形绕着一个定点沿某个方向