邬贺铨 中国通讯事业铺路人

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发展创新国家的指导原则是自主创新,重点跨越,支撑发展,引领未来。我们要走的路线是以信息化带动工业化,走新型工业化道路。建设创新性国家是时代赋予我们的光荣使命,是我们这一代人必须承担的历史责任。——邬贺铨 The guiding principle for developing an innovative country is independent innovation, focusing on leapfrogging, supporting development and leading the future. The route we need to take is to lead industrialization with informationization and follow a new path of industrialization. Building a creative nation is an honorable mission entrusted to us by the times and a historical responsibility that our generation must shoulder. - Wu He Quan
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