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明清时期,徽商是中国著名商帮,曾经诞生了诸多成功的大商人,而其中盐、典、茶、木是传统徽商经营的四大行当,其中歙县多盐商,休宁多典当商,婺源则多茶商和木商。晚清以后,徽商在盐业和典当业的经营上逐渐走向衰弱,在茶业和木业两大行当依然保有一定优势。到民国时期,徽商则更加衰落下去,大部分徽州人已经不再像明清时代那样驰骋全国商场, 而是选择了默默的躬耕垄亩。不过在上海,我们却惊喜地发现,依然有一些徽州商人活跃的身影,他们可以说是“末代徽商”,以其祖辈所拥有的徽商经营理念,结合现代经营谋略,创造了徽商没落时期一个中小商人所能成就的辉煌。他们的家庭生活,也是一个普通上海人家曾经有过的生活,从中可以见到社会与时代的变迁。我们对他们的后裔进行了采访,以下是部分采访内容。录音和访谈时间是2005年4月20日、10月30日。参考资料则包括民国丙寅年(1926年)俞崇融等人修纂的《星源西冲俞氏宗谱》, 2005年俞昌泰编纂的《西冲俞氏正和堂家谱》等文字材料。整理稿业经口述者本人审订。口述者的父亲俞仁耀,安徽省婺源县人, 1896年出生,字子良,号龙甫,乳名秉烛。8岁在乡下私塾3年,11岁(1907年)进村头杂货店学徒六年,17岁务农4年,21 岁(1917年)到上海,在陈家渡(北新泾)达亨昌木行学徒3年,24岁于曹家渡裕丰木行和源昌盛木行(婺源人俞子标为老板) 就职,7年后该行亏损歇业。31岁与人合股开设协泰祥木行,以后又抽资金和别人开设协义木行。1943年,俞仁耀用拆股的钱, 回乡置田,合并祖传4亩共计11亩田。抗战胜利后,独资在原地(今万航渡路,抗战前称极司非尔路,1466至1468号)开了协泰祥良记木行。1956年公私合营,1962年退休,1989年病逝于上海。口述者俞昌泰,仁耀第三子,1933年出生于上海,中国医科大学本科毕业,原主治医生,现居上海。 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huizhou merchants were well-known businessmen in China. Many successful businessmen were born. Among them, salt, dian, tea and wood are the four major businesses traditionally operated by Huizhou merchants. Among them, Pawn shops, Wuyuan is more tea and wood business. After the late Qing Dynasty, Huizhou merchants gradually became weaker in the operation of the salt industry and the pawn industry, and still maintained certain advantages in the two major businesses of the tea industry and the wood industry. To the Republic of China, Huizhou merchants are more decline down, most of the Huizhou people no longer ride the national mall as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but chose to quietly bow farming ridge acres. However, in Shanghai, we were pleasantly surprised to find that there are still some active businessmen in Huizhou. They can be described as “the last generation of Huizhou merchants.” With the business philosophy of Huizhou merchants owned by their ancestors and the modern management strategy, A period of small and medium-sized businessmen can accomplish brilliant. Their family life is also a life that ordinary people in Shanghai once had before they can see the changes in society and the times. We interviewed their descendants. The following is part of the interview. Recording and interview time is April 20, 2005, October 30. The reference materials include “Xingyuan Xichong Yu genealogy” compiled by Yu Chongrong and others in Bingyin years (1926), and “Xishuang Yu’s He to Tang pedigree” compiled by Yu Changtai in 2005. Finishing manuscripts oral oral review. Oralist’s father, Yu Ren Yao, Wuyuan County, Anhui Province, was born in 1896, Zi Zi Liang, No. Long Fu, named after the candle. 8 years old, 3 years in rural school, 11 years old (1907) into the village head grocers apprentice six years, 17 years of farming four years, 21 years old (1917) to Shanghai, Chen Jidu (Beixinjing) 3 years, 24-year-old in Caojiu Yufeng wood and source Changsheng Wood (Wuyuan Yu sub standard boss) took office, 7 years after the bank closed down. 31-year-old joint venture with the establishment of Tai Hing Cheung line, and later pumping funds and others to set up a line of justice. In 1943, Yu Renyao split the money back to home Tian, ​​merger ancestral 4 acres totaling 11 acres of land. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the sole proprietorship in the place (now Wanhangdu Road, before the Anti-Japanese War Jisi Philharmonic, 1466 to 1468) opened Xie Tai Xiang Liang Ji wood. 1956 public-private partnership, retired in 1962, died in 1989 in Shanghai. Oral Yu Changtai, Ren Yao third son, born in 1933 in Shanghai, China Medical University graduate, the original doctor, now living in Shanghai.