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消费是生产的目的,消费是国民经济增长与发展的主动力,如何扩大提升消费,增强消费动力,目前已成为社会广泛关注的热点问题。近10余年来,在国家宏观调控和消费政策作用下,伴随国民经济的持续较快增长,江苏城乡居民收入不断增加,消费需求不断增长,生活水平不断提高,总体实现由温饱到小康的历史性跨越,目前全省消费正进入全面小康型阶段。但是,另一方面,省内城乡之间、不同行业和不同群体之间居民收入消费情况复杂,一些差距有所拉大,与投资增长相比较,消费占国民生产总值比例倾向下降,相应地消费对地区经济增长的贡献率和拉动作用趋于减低,消费动力弱化,并不利于经济增长方式的深入转变和整体经济的持续较快发展,也不利于经济增长质量和区域综合竞争力的提高。深入贯彻落实科学发展观,实现富民强省、“两个率先”的战略目标,江苏必须采取切实有效的政策措施,扩大消费,提升消费,增强消费动力。对此,本文作了实证分析,并提出了一些概要的政策建议。 Consumption is the purpose of production. Consumption is the driving force for the growth and development of the national economy. How to expand consumption and increase consumer spending has become a hot issue of widespread concern in the society. In the past 10 years or so, under the effect of the state’s macroeconomic regulation and control and consumption policies, with the sustained and rapid growth of the national economy, the incomes of urban and rural residents in Jiangsu have been constantly increasing, the consumption demand has been continuously increasing, and their living standards have been continuously improved. The historic realization of the overall well- Across, the current consumption of the province is entering a comprehensive well-off stage. However, on the other hand, household incomes and expenditures among rural and urban areas, between different industries and among different groups in the province are complex and some of the gaps have widened. Compared with the growth of investment, the proportion of consumption in the gross national product tends to decrease. Accordingly, The contribution rate and pulling effect of consumption on regional economic growth tend to decrease, and the weakening of consumption power is not conducive to the in-depth transformation of the mode of economic growth and the sustained and rapid development of the economy as a whole, nor is it conducive to the quality of economic growth and the enhancement of regional comprehensive competitiveness . To thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development and realize the strategic objective of “enriching the people and strengthening the province and” giving priority to the two ", Jiangsu must adopt effective policies and measures to expand consumption, increase consumption and increase consumer motivation. In this regard, this paper made an empirical analysis, and made some summary of the policy recommendations.
(一) 一、试验场发展概况为了研究半干旱的晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区如何通过水土保持,合理利用有限的水、肥资源,培肥地力,尽快变低产为高产。我所于一九五六年春季,在离石县王家
例1 吴某,女,68岁,退休工人.1992年3月4日来院,两耳鸟叫5年,近1年来鸟叫声严重,影响睡眠,曾在当地乡镇及市医院五官科就诊,行电测听、头颅及内听道摄片等均正常.诊为耳鸣,先