日本统治阶级几年前曾提出“使国民收入增加一倍的计划”。这个计划要在十年之内(1961—70年)“使国民生产增长一倍”。由于日本的当权人物把这个计划叫得震天价响,因此,“使国民收入增长一倍”这句话在日本颇为流行。但是,现在在日本成倍增长(日本语叫“倍增”)的项目确实不少,却偏偏不是什么国民收入,而是其它,有的增长还不止一倍,而是许多倍。结果,日本劳动人民生活收入非但没有增加,反而下降。以1959年到1962年几个方面的事态发展来作为例证: 第一,资本在五十亿日元以上的大垄断公司从六十九家增至一百二十三家,仅账面利润就增加一点三倍。
The Japanese ruling class proposed “a plan to double national income” several years ago. This plan will “double the growth of national production” within a decade (1961-70). Japan’s popular figure called “double the national income” has become quite popular in Japan because of the fact that the most influential people in Japan call it a deafening price. However, there are indeed many projects that are multiplying in Japan now (Japanese is called “multiplication”) but they are not national income but others. Their growth has more than doubled, but many times. As a result, the living income of the working people in Japan not only did not increase, but declined. Taking the developments from 1959 to 1962 as an example: First, the large monopoly capital with a capital of over 5 billion yen has increased from 69 to 123, and only the book profit has increased A little over three times.