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题记:不要放大学生的缺点,要引导学生向更好的方向发展每一个学生都是一颗种子,只是花期不同,有的花期一开始就灿烂多姿,有的花期则需要漫长的等待。初中阶段是一颗种子萌芽后快速成长的阶段。有的学生会朝着家长、学校、社会预期的方向发展;而有的学生则会叛逆,个性十足,与学校、社会的希望背道而驰。对于前者大家总是欣然若喜,对于后者大家是心痛不已,甚至厌恶。其实后者这样的学生,他们本性不坏,只是由于家 Inscription: Do not enlarge the shortcomings of students, to guide students to a better direction Every student is a seed, but the flowering period is different, some of the flowering period is bright and colorful, and some flowering requires a long wait. The junior high school stage is a rapid growth stage of a seed germination. Some students will move toward the parents, schools and society in the expectation direction. Others will be rebellious and full of personality, which runs counter to the hopes of schools and the community. For the former, everyone is always happy, and everyone in the latter is heartbroken and even disgusted. In fact, the latter such students, they are not bad nature, just because of home
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《蜂房报》(The Bee-Hive) 1861年创刊,原是英国工联的机关报(周报).创办人和主编是乔治·波特尔(GeorgePotter),英国工联伦敦理事会理事和建筑工人联合会的领导人之一,政治
任不同是一个颇具传奇色彩的人物,经常违背上级指令,违反常人思路,干一些出人意料的事,不过他可不是要搞什么行为艺术,特立独行,人家精明着呢,是要发大财,不信你瞧—— Any
课堂导入是一节课中十分重要的一个环节,它决定着学生在这节课中是否具有学习兴趣、是否始终具有高度集中的注意力,课堂教学质量的高低,也深受此环节的影响。 The introduct