Watermelon is my county traditional products, rice is my county agricultural advantages. In 1986, my county had early hydroponic and late hybrid rice area of 16,500 acres, accounting for 61% of watermelon cultivation area. For example, 1.40 mu of peasant Xiao Pengke of Pengtian Township in Pengtian Township had 6,300 jin of watermelon in early 1986, accounting for 472.50 yuan. In the late season, 1380 jin of miscellaneous rice was collected, amounting to 215 yuan, of which 688.60 yuan was received. In 1985 double harvest rice 2282 pounds (count 355.76 yuan) income 331.84 yuan. For the rotation of water and soil, soil and fertilize, increase production and income opened up a new way.