1991年8月15日,电波中传来紧急呼救信号——美国 ACT 石油公司一艘大型铺管船在南中国海遭到台风袭击翻沉,船上195人全部落水。这一呼救,立即惊动了全世界。我国和境外的一些救援飞机、舰船闻讯前往救难。中信公司所属中国海洋直升机专业公司的“超美洲豹”直升机,也及时地从驻地深圳起飞,赶往失事现场。在这场救援行动中,“超美洲豹”创下了世界单机救助最高纪录——救助了17人。杨林,到底是搞新闻的。他得知这一情况后,立即
On August 15, 1991, there was a signal of emergency calling on the radio waves. A large American shipowner, ACT Petroleum Company, was hit by a typhoon in the South China Sea and all 195 people fell into the water. This cry for help immediately alerted the world. Some rescue airplanes in our country and abroad went to the ship to hear the news of the rescue. The “Super Puma” helicopter owned by China Oceanic Helicopter Specialties, a subsidiary of CITIC Corporation, also took off from Shenzhen, a resident station, and rushed to the scene of the accident. In this rescue operation, “Super Puma” set a world record for single rescue - rescue of 17 people. Yang Lin, in the end is engaged in the news. He learned immediately after this situation