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目的了解广东省湛江市狂犬病的发病特征,探讨狂犬病的防治策略和措施。方法根据全市疫情报告资料、专题总结资料、狂犬病个案调查表,对湛江市2000-2012年狂犬病病例调查资料进行分析。结果 12年合计发病死亡186例;年发病率介于0.02/10万~0.58/10万;男性139例,女性47例;发病以农村地区散发为主,廉江市疫情最严重,发病122例占全市的65.6%;职业分布以农民(59.7%),学生(25.3%),儿童(12.9%)为主;发病年龄以0~14岁儿童(33.3%)和50岁以上老年人(40.3%)为主;被犬伤者171例(91.9%),被猫伤者10例(5.4%),伤人动物不详者5例(2.7%);平均潜伏期47 d,平均病程3 d;被动物伤后167例(89.8%)未进行伤口处理和狂犬病疫苗接种,19例(10.2%)进行伤口处理并接种疫苗(其中4例全程接种)。结论湛江市狂犬病发病以农村地区散发为主,年龄以老人和儿童发病为多,多数患者被犬伤后伤口未处理、未接种狂犬病疫苗;应加强卫生宣教和狂犬疫苗的流通管理,规范处理伤口和免疫预防,减免农民接种狂犬疫苗费用是控制疫情的有力措施。 Objective To understand the incidence of rabies in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province and to explore the strategies and measures for rabies prevention and treatment. Methods Based on the information of the epidemic situation in the city, the special subject summary data and the rabies case questionnaire, the survey data of rabies cases in Zhanjiang from 2000 to 2012 were analyzed. Results The total number of deaths was 186 in 12 years. The annual incidence ranged from 0.02 / 100000 to 0.58 / 100,000. There were 139 males and 47 females. The incidence was mainly distributed in rural areas, and the most serious was in Lianjiang City, with 122 cases Accounting for 65.6% of the whole city; the occupational distribution is dominated by farmers (59.7%), students (25.3%) and children (12.9%); the incidence of children aged 0-14 years (33.3% (91.9%), 10 cats (5.4%) were cats and 5 (2.7%) cats were unknown. The average incubation period was 47 days and the average duration was 3 days. One hundred and sixty-seven patients (89.8%) were not treated with wounds and rabies vaccination and 19 (10.2%) were treated with wounds and vaccinated (four were vaccinated in full). Conclusion The prevalence of rabies in Zhanjiang City is mainly distributed in rural areas. The age is mainly related to the incidence of the elderly and children. Most of the patients are not treated with rabies wounds and have not been vaccinated against rabies. Health education and circulation management of rabies vaccines should be strengthened to regulate the treatment of wounds And immunization prevention, relief of rabies vaccination costs rabies vaccine is a powerful measure to control the outbreak.
1)你不是要找一个心理学工作者,你要找的,是一个临床的心理咨询师。  因为大多数心理学家在做的事情,其实和我们老百姓们的日常生活隔了千山万水。他们折腾猴子,研究数字,他们的成果应用在无数的行业(当然也有无数的成果,且没有人知道能干啥用)。而尽管心理学的研究者在做非常有价值、有意义的事情,但他们大多数并不是“心理咨询师”,甚至也不一定了解心理咨询和“思想教育工作”有甚差别。  你要找的,是一个接受过
《Asian Med J》1982,4(14):4,八年前发现杂交瘤技术时,就认识到了有形成单克隆抗体的潜力.人们预料它将是一种最好的诊断工具,还希望它成为一种新而有效的抗肿瘤的治疗措施
除了面相之外,一个 人的行为举止都可以看出 他的运程,今次以脚步观 形态,看一个人的脚步, 便可知对方事业功名究竟 是成功或失败。 In addition to his face, a man’s beh
随着工业中精细作业的发展,视疲劳也逐渐增多。因视疲劳影响工作效能,故已成为眼科中极需解决的一个问题。近年来,我 With the development of fine work in industry, vis