When the Road Ends, the Vinetree Starts

来源 :中国-东盟博览(旅游版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdyy123
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  Vinetree is a Chinese ecological tourism company, operating the world’s most unique and luxurious wild tent camps, and ecological tourist trails. In 2009, Vinetree was created by a group of nature lovers interested in establishing a company in Yunnan that specializes in eco-tourism adventures. It remains committed to immersing people in a cultural experience in nature and making high quality ecological tourism experiences, while promoting responsible travel.
  “Vine” and “Tree”
  Vinetree’s Chinese name is “Kang Teng”, and the original idea comes from the English words Camp and Tent (or camping tents). The name Vinetree itself represents a vibrant and healthy emerging eco-tourism company. “Vinetree” in English is of course a combination of “Vine” and “Tree”, symbolizing “the wild, historical roots, and coexistence”.
  Our brand spirit keeps the tradition of exploration, innovation, nature, culture, and coexistence. Vinetree adopts the slogan “When the road ends, the Vinetree starts.” We take our cue from China’s concept of “Taoism”, which teaches that people cannot exist independently from nature, and emphasizes a world view that points to nature as the highest and deepest source of wisdom. Guests who participate in Vinetree’s experiences can feel a sense of renewal and zest for nature and adventure after their long journey. With many different ways to get around, no matter how bumpy the road, there is always a reward for reaching your destination and a story to tell.
  Away from the hustle and bustle
  From the white clouds and grasslands of Geladan, Vinetree had a dream, a dream reaching for the stars to start a tent resort high up in the mountains. In May 2013, this dream came true in China’s Yunnan Province. At Lijiang, Yulong County, Laojun Mountain National Geo-park, 3,600 meters above sea level, the Vinetree Geladan Tent Resort became China’s first boutique tent resort, as well as one of the world’s highest ones. Our camp covers an area with beautiful mountains surrounding the campsite. The tents which cover 50 acres have an organic design concept and are extremely luxurious. With only seven guest-rooms available high up in the Chinese wilderness, the Vinetree experience is an exclusive one.
  The campsite is located at Lijiang, Yulong County, Laojun Mountain National Geo-park, which is lying between Lancang River and Jinsha River, an important part of the “three parallel rivers”, a national wilderness preserve. The magnificent Danxia landform, glacial lakes, forests, alpine meadows, each tells a story about life, rebirth and the indescribable beauty of nature.
  Away from the hustle and bustle, one finds a quiet place. Let the ever-changing grass, blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, stars, mountain flowers, and streams wash away the worries of the world. You will feel yourself becoming a pure and truly renewed person.
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