作文题: 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。倾听,就是集中精力,开动脑筋,认真听取。一个谦虚好学的人,一个懂得善待他人的人,一个善于反省、自强不息的人,永远懂得倾听。倾听,是亲近自然的方式;倾听,是接受信息的渠道;倾听,是真诚沟通的桥梁;倾听,是净化心灵的艺术。倾听自然的声音,倾听美妙的音乐,倾听师长、朋友、同学真挚温暖的话语……我们共同在倾听中成长。请以“倾听”为话题,写一篇作文。
Essay questions: Read the following text and compose the composition as required. Listening is to concentrate, use your brains, listen carefully. A humble, studious person, a person who knows how to treat others well, a person who is good at self-examination and self-improvement, will always know how to listen. Listening is a way of getting close to nature; listening is a channel for receiving information; listening is a bridge for sincere communication; listening is an art of purifying the soul. Listen to natural sounds, listen to wonderful music, listen to teachers, friends, classmates and warm words... We all grow together in listening. Please write a essay on the topic of “listen to”.