加快推进市域经济发展 发展市域经济是经济社会发展到一定阶段的必然选择

来源 :宁波经济(三江论坛) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayzhoujian
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进入21世纪以来,宁波经济社会步入了新的发展阶段,创新发展理念,探索新的发展模式,在更大范围、更高程度实现资源优化配置,不失时机地推进市域经济发展,已成为落实科学发展观和顺应经济全球化的必然要求,成为构建社会主义和谐社会和推进“六大联动”的必然选择,成为宁波用足用好体制政策优势、落实中央和省对宁波战略定位的重大策略。什么是市域经济?为什么要发展市域经济?如何自觉遵循市场经济规律,不断提高驾驭社会主义市场经济的能力,加快推进市域经济发展?这些问题摆在我们理论研究和实际工作者的面前,需要深入思考和探索。为此,宁波市政府经济研究中心组织了推进市域经济发展专题研究,并作了较为深入的研讨。现将阶段性研究成果择要发表,以抛砖引玉,期待更多的有识之士参与研究,发表真知灼见。本刊将继续刊登深入研究的成果。 Since entering the 21st century, economic and social development in Ningbo has entered a new stage of development. Innovative development concepts, exploration of new development modes, optimization and allocation of resources on a larger scale and at a higher level, and the promotion of economic development in urban areas without losing the opportunity have become The concept of development and conformity with the necessary requirements of economic globalization have become the inevitable choice for building a harmonious socialist society and promoting the “six major links”. Ningbo has become a major player in implementing the institutional and policy advantages and implementing the important strategic positioning of Ningbo by the central and provincial authorities Strategy. How to develop the market economy? How to conscientiously follow the laws of the market economy, continuously improve the ability to control the socialist market economy, and accelerate the economic development in the urban area? These problems lie in front of our theoretical research and practical workers and need to be further studied Think and explore. To this end, the Ningbo Municipal Government Economic Research Center organized a special study to promote the economic development of the city, and made a more in-depth discussion. At present, the results of the staged research should be published in the hope of attracting more insight and participating in the research and delivering insights. This issue will continue to publish the results of further research.